List of main characters in Alvin and the Chipmunks

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Chipmunk 2007 logo.jpg

The main characters of Alvin and the Chipmunks consist of the chipmunk characters of Alvin Seville, Theodore Seville, Simon Seville, and their human parent, David Seville.

The Chipmunks[edit]

Alvin through the ages

Alvin Seville[edit]

He is the middle child of the chipmunks. He is usually responsible for all of the trouble, as the term “Look before you leap” does not apply to him. Alvin is an emotional roller coaster and leader of the group.

His enthusiasm is boundless. He is somewhat greedy and selfish, but loves his brothers.

He is a fearless chipmunk. He'll even stick up for his little brother Theodore. Alvin's favorite things are his harmonica and his cap, which he always wears (except in the 2007 live-action/animated film based on the cartoon).

He doesn't like anybody touching his cap, and he has no trouble in saying so, “Don't...touch...the cap!”. His signature color is red. He doesn't follow anybody's rules, not even his own.

From 1958 to 1972, he was voiced by Ross Bagdasarian, and all recordings from 1972 to the present, he is voiced by Ross Bagdasarian, Jr. In the 2007 live action film, his speaking voice is done by Justin Long.

Simon Seville[edit]

He is the tallest and the oldest brother and has an IQ just north of Albert Einstein. Simon possesses a very dry sense of humor as well as a keen wit. His chess master mind allows him to anticipate what he calls Alvin's "harebrained schemes" and devise a solution that is inevitably required.

Although Simon loves Alvin, Simon secretly worries about the fact that they share the same gene pool. However, Simon will drop whatever he's doing to help his brothers whenever they need him. Simon's signature color is blue.

In all recordings from 1958 to 1972, he was voiced by Ross Bagdasarian, and in all recordings from 1972 onward, he is voiced by Ross Bagdasarian, Jr. In the 2007 live-action film, his speaking voice is done by Matthew Gray Gubler.

Theodore Seville[edit]

He is the youngest chipmunk. Theodore is the child of innocence. He is shy, loving, sensitive, gullible, trusting and naive. Theodore often holds the swing vote between his two brothers' choices of action. Simon appeals to Theodore's better nature, while Alvin goes straight to bribery, often with sweets or other foods, as Theodore is also known for his sizable appetite.

His sweet nature usually makes him an easy target for bullies, but then they'll have to answer to his big brothers Alvin and Simon. Little known facts are that Theodore is afraid of heights, hates roller coasters, and sometimes carries his teddy bear with him.

Theodore's signature color is green and he was voiced by Ross Bagdasarian from 1958 to 1972, and by Janice Karman from 1972 to the present. In the 2007 live-action film, his voice is done by Jesse McCartney.


David Seville[edit]

Like any other single parent trying to raise three kids, Dave has his patience tested on a daily basis, mostly by Alvin's antics. Not only does he juggle his professional life as the songwriter for the musical trio, but he is also the Chipmunks' father and confidant.

While Dave struggles to remain calm and objective, Alvin often pushes him over the edge, reducing Dave to his trademark yell of "ALVIN!!!" One instance of this is in the song "Alvin's Harmonica", from The Alvin Show.

Another instance of this is in the teaser trailer for the 2007 film based on the cartoon when Alvin won't stop singing when his brothers already have.

He was voiced by Ross Bagdasarian from 1958 to 1972, and by Ross Bagdasarian, Jr. from 1972 to the present. In the 2007 live-action film, he is played by Jason Scott Lee.

David Seville is also the stage name of Ross Bagdasarian (1919-1972), who created Alvin and the Chipmunks.