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(Нe was born in Jan. 14, 1989) Fursona: furry-wolf-hybrid.

Is reside only in the Urals

In the territory of Yekaterinburg.

I opened for itself furry-community in 2001.


It is persistent and fearless. At all the vanity and sensitivity to female causticities, courage never leaves it. At it isn't felt tendencies to an antagonism, pride for it not an empty, in case of need can stand for itself. The optimistic warehouse of character does his mind is very mobile. He isn't always easy in dialogue, can unfairly prick the interlocutor, create a conflict situation. He's irritable, will easily excite and slowly cools down, in a rush of anger we don't operate. Nevertheless at it peculiar sense of humour, devotion to friends, inherent high I.Q.. Loves women and it is adjusted on the gentle relations from a nimi.psikhologiya.


The strong. He isn't diffident, easily gets acquainted. Well feel "at a saddle", actively participates in life. Temperament choleric. Some recklessness is peculiar to it. Well understands female psychology.


Very high level. Ability to the analysis is combined with not less developed ability to synthesis. At confidence in success really estimates the forces. He can easily perceive someone else's ideas.


The sexist misanthrope, the pagan-rodnover, believes in the person and doesn't go on compromises. It devoted to friends, speak he's the pleasant interlocutor, not inclined to despondency. However in a conflict situation of its sneer happen very painful.


Airsoft, volleyball, karate, Army Hand-to-Hand Combat, mechanic, Scale model's, radio and military communication's. In general he is a homebody. Likes to to collect, read books and to make hand-made articles of a tree and a stone.


  • The founder of the first furri-community in the Urals, the city of Yekaterinburg in 2008.
  • The acting administrator of furri-community in Yekaterinburg since 2008.
  • Furry-writer since 2011.
  • The amateur artist since 2012.
  • The leader on "the First Subcultural" radio since 2013.
  • Organizer UralFurry con 2014.
  • Organizer Uralfurence 2015, 2017