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The Title of Overgrowth

Overgrowth is a video game from Wolfire Games, a "spiritual successor" to Lugaru.[1] First announced on September 17, 2008, the game was fully released nine years later on October 16, 2017[citation needed] for Windows, macOS, and Linux.[citation needed] The game plays as a 3D third-person brawler, set in a dystopian medieval world of anthropomorphic fighter rabbits, wolves, dogs, cats and rats. Local multiplayer gameplay is available.

Setting and plot[edit]

Overgrowth concept art
Rabbit armor

Overgrowth picks up where Lugaru left off, with the world in a state of de facto anarchy. After killing the corrupted king, Turner, the main character, refused to take his place, instead choosing to leave the monarchy headless and wander the island in search of some new purpose.

An interview with Wolfire Games by British video gaming website zConnection revealed some more details regarding the game's storyline and plot.

"What is the plot or storyline of Lugaru's sequel, Overgrowth?"

"Well, I'm not supposed to reveal too much on this front. David is still ironing out the final details on the path of Overgrowth. We're pretty sure that we want Turner, the star of Lugaru, to be the protagonist of Overgrowth. Overgrowth will occur in the same world, some years after Lugaru ended. We believe veterans of Lugaru will have a more flavored understanding of Overgrowth's atmosphere but we will definitely make Overgrowth its own stand alone game. New species are now in the world. So far we've announced cats and rats and we've worked out the cultural and physical differences of each species. I'm not supposed to leak the actual plot line yet but I can say that it will guide the player through all the exciting aspects of the Overgrowth universe."

The Monk[edit]

A companion webcomic, The Monk, was released, intending to explain more of the game's setting.[2]


  1. Overgrowth website. Retrieved January 11, 2017.
  2. The Monk. Retrieved January 11, 2018.

External links[edit]