Asher Heike

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Conbadge done by Mushypea on FA for Asher.

Asher Heike (February, 1992 - Unknown Date, 2016[1]), also known by the aliases Ashertehfox, Asher, and Asher2500 on Fur Affinity, was a reddish tan red fox whom lived in Oregon. Asher had been in the fandom since around 2004; first learning of it by stumbling upon a furry porn site. He had yet to be active in the fandom, save from local fur meets and socializing around the FA and SoFurry sites. He was not a conventional furry artist, meaning he did not draw. However, he did write both poetry and stories (for fun as well as gifts/trades) to his friends. He had revived his old LiveJournal, utilizing it for a friend-only semi-daily updated blog. In 2009 he started posting his stories on SoFurry.

He had two series going that he starting posting to SoFurry in 2009; one being called 'Running From Lions' while the other is called 'The Tears You Knew You'd Cry'.

Asher's early history

Since he was 15 ½ Asher had been living on his own, meaning not with any members of his family. He left due to a long line of family troubles; the relationship he had with his parents were extremely strained, eventually causing him to move out of his dad's at the age of 13 as he just started high school; and then after living with his mom full time for a few months he decided it was best to move away from her as well. Recently, over the past year, he has rekindled the relationship with his mom slowly. He has 2 brothers, one of which he talks to on a semi-regular basis and plays Xbox with.

As a young teen he took up smoking a herbal remedy to help him cope with his handicaps (listed below) as well as his home life from the age of 13 off and on to a present day weekly basis. He strongly believes that it should be legalized throughout the states and was an avid protester for such as many of the adults he knows smoke it medically.

The dead Fluke saga

In December 2012 through January 2013, friends of the artist Fluke decided to post shouts on his page about how they missed him since his tragic death. Causes of death ranged wildly from a vicious art accident involving the loss of an arm, to a quiet passing in the night, like a soft breeze. These stories were obviously untrue, and served only to heckle Fluke for the sake of humor, which was well received. Asher, feeling as though it was his duty to protect Fluke as well as all of the poor furries who don't know any better, launched an anti slander campaign against these lies and rumors, advocating that people not "buy into the rumor mill." When he was told to chill out, that it was all fun and games, he responded with nasty name calling and threats of administrative action, blocking the person(s) who confronted him, whilst continuing his crusade, going so far as to post a journal stating that "Fluke is just done with the furry part of his life for now", citing his possession of Fluke's gamertag as proof. Asher was then banned for harassment for at least a week. The very next day he tried to continue his harassment via another account of his, posing as a friend of Asher, under the account name dastoonafawx. He was summarily suspended on that account, as well as his Gaijin2500 account. He has since been removed from Fluke's Xbox Live friends list.

This is Asher as drawn by his FA friend, Canis Lupus Vulgaris.
This is of Asher raving, drawn by Gasp (then Blue-Paper on FA).


In his free time Asher liked to listen to music (his favorite genres being Pop punk, hip-hop, trance/techno/dubstep, and screamo) while gaming on his Xbox 360, as well as writing, smoking marijuana (it helps with his anxiety, insomnia, and OCD tendencies) watching movies (mainly horror and comedy), moshing, practicing his aim with his various airsoft firearms, watching anime, snuggling with his mate, and the like. One of the things he'd been striving for was to attend an actual furry convention, such as RainFurrest or even Anthrocon one day. He was a pacifist, as well as a Liberal.

Relationship status

Asher had a long standing relationship with a fox furry by the name of Kazuma, up until June of 2010. After that he tried another unsuccessful long-distance relationship by being with a Canadian Wusky by the name of Stevey (aka Jakesparrow0). The two broke up in August of 2010 due to a lack in interest on one's part in getting motivated to do anything. Asher is now with a local non-furry, and the two share a condo together in Oregon with their puppy and could not be happier.


As of 2016, Asher's Furaffinity page is marked as deceased, with last known activity roughly one year prior.[1] Exact details regarding the circumstances of his death have not been made publicly available.

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 Asher Heike's Furaffinity Profile Retrieved August 1, 2016.