Canadian Furries

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Canadian Furries

Canadian Furries (founded August 2010) is a community website that specializes in bringing furries together from across Canada. The goals of the website, and reason for its inception is to ensure that the furry community in Canada always has a place were they can feel welcome.

The community and website strives to create a friendly and welcoming place for anybody, regardless of whether or not they're from Canada, may join and relax in pleasant, friendly conversation. The boards also provide areas per province for collaboration of meets & conventions that may be local to some, but not others.


Canadian Furries' IRC
Subject Furry Fandom
Server Port 6667
Status Ongoing

Canadian Furries also provides an IRC network for use by its members, which is open to any users.

This is reachable at Port 6667


New to the community is a community based newsletter. Written by members of the community articles range from current events, politics, furry events, artist interviews, etc. Nothing’s off limits, as long as it’s tasteful or serves a purpose for the community.

External links