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Furfire banner5.jpg
Author(s) Angela Beaman
Update schedule Lost
Launch date 2000?
The Furfire crew stick together - no matter what!

Furfire was a furry web comic by Angela Beaman, otherwise known as Silverfox Relahstar. The comics are separated into many arcs of variable length. This comic updates on a weekly basis.

The History of Furfire[edit]

The idea of Furfire originates from a story Angela wrote in the early 1990s named The Twilight Magic Project. She put the project on hold for a while as she experimented with other things such as Furcadia, which eventually led her back to the project with renewed interest. Angela added the concept of "furmentials" and their powers over the elements and rechristened the project Furfire. In 2002, Terry Bailey joined the Furfire staff as a scriptwriter.


The story begins in the city of Talla'doon. Three races populate the world of Furfire: Humans, faffurs (anthropomorphic animals), and furmentials (faffurs with magical elemental powers). Later, due to a strange incident at an ancient temple, the story shifts to the world of the past.

The plot so far[edit]

Main article: Storyline of Furfire


Main article: List of characters in Furfire

See also[edit]

External links[edit]