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Cironir is the Community Manager and Customer Satisfaction Director of Furcadia[1].

Before Furcadia

Before joining the Furcadia community, he was in the role of 'Worlds Manager' in the MMO game 'World's Away'. His experience in this role was a primary reason why he was later chosen for a similar role in Furcadia.


Cironir joined the game in October 2000 and became a member of the Beekin Volunteer Programme in 2001. He soon rose to the role of Community Manager to support the administration of player comments and complaints and maintenance of the game's community projects. He is also the Associate-In-Charge of the Beekin Guardians (a group of volunteer moderators for the game) and the leader of the 'Beekin Council'.

In this role, he handles the 'Support Center', a ticket system used by players to get sales, technical and in-game support at the staff level, or to address concerns beyond the capabilities of the Beekin Volunteers. As part of this role, he oversees the provision of support and rectifies a wide range of issues, usually related to sales (provided though 'Digo Market', a web based shopping system for in-game items) or in-game disputes that have exceeded the remit of the in-game volunteers.

Cironir is a member of 'Team Dragon', acting as the Community Advisor to the main development team, as well as forming part of the core administrative staff. He is one of the leading figures in the game and very well known by the Furcadia community.


Cironir adopts the appearance of a small grey/tabby cat, often pictured with a cup of coffee. While his work does not allow much time for roleplaying, he often imitates cat-like traits and is well known to the players as such.

Personal Life

Cironir lives in Germany. He tends to keep most aspects of his personal life private. He is single, though he has been romantically linked to members of the furry and Furcadia community in the past. He has an avid interest in programming and development, and spends a large amount of free-time playing online games.

He is a close personal friend of Emerald Flame and Kashi Commodore, two of his co-workers at Furcadia.


  1. Furcadia Credits