Crusader Cat

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Revision as of 16:00, 16 March 2014 by Crusader Cat (Talk | contribs)

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File:Crusader cat at FAU 6.jpg
Crusader Cat in his fursuit at Anthrocon 2009 with Kevin Burkhardt
Crusader Cat (Brown house Cat) is a fursuiter who attends Anthrocon, FA: United, New Year's Furry Ball, and Delaware Furbowl.

Fur Affinity ban

In 2009 after tremendous backlash as a result of Crusader Cat being open about his (former) religious beliefs, several users uploaded submissions with intent to harass him. Crusader Cat filed multiple trouble tickets, but was rejected by the administration. After over a month of this, Crusader Cat threatened legal action as an act of desperation, while some of the offending submissions were removed, Crusader Cat was banned.


Multiple individuals have claimed that Crusader Cat is homophobic and a zoophile. These claims stem from comments he made implying homosexuality is a “sin” and a document supposedly created by him giving graphic details about bestiality. Crusader Cat denies that he is “homophobic”, and claims that the “document” is a forgery. So far, no furry (homosexual or otherwise) has come forward and claimed to be hurt or mistreated by him.

External links