Furs Venezuela

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Furs Venezuela, also known as Furs de Venezuela and Furs Vzla, is a Spanish-speaking furry community founded on December 4, 2012 in Caracas, Capital District, Venezuela.


The community was founded by Aukoc Wolf, Sabakusuna and Damon Kalutskikh, Three young Venezuelans who decided to organize the furry fandom in their country. Currently they are the administrative board of Furs Venezuela and are responsible for the decisions taken.


The Co-founders of Furs Venezuela, Damon Kalutskikh, Aukoc Wolf and Sabakusuna on "Aventura Animal TV" in a brief interview about the furry fandom.

It was created in order to bring together all furry Venezuelans, organize events, contests and other cultural and recreational activities. Furs Venezuela objectives may go from a simple meeting to events and important conventions in the country, to a full fledged furry convention.

Furs Venezuela activities include the promotion of the protection of animals, by making donations and helping stray dogs. As of December 2013, they claim to have over 160 members.[1]


Furs Venezuela were interviewed on Aventura Animal TV, a program hosted by La Tele[2]


  1. Nosotros in Furs Venezuela official website (Spanish).
  2. Furs Venezuela' Aventura Animal TV clip on YouTube (Spanish). Retrieved ?.

External links[edit]