The Other Coast

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The Other Coast
Author(s) Adrian Raeside
Update schedule Daily
Launch date 2000
End Date Continuing
Genre Comedy
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The Other Coast is a syndicated comic strip drawn by cartoonist Adrian Raeside. In addition to various humans, the comic features various anthropomorphic (and non-morphic) animals, including a pair of dogs named Sakura and Koko.

The strip was syndicated by Creators Syndicate in 2000,[1] and two collected volumes (Road Race in Beverly Hills and This Is Your First Rock Garden, Isn't It?) have been published.[2]

The Other Coast and furry[edit]

The Other Coast strip of May 24, 2013

The strip of May 24, 2013, begins with a discussion between Sakura and Koko:[3]

Koko: Sakura, did you know there are people who dress up as animals?
Sakura: You're kidding.
Koko: They're called "furries". They wear fur costumes and even have tails.
Sakura: A tail can be dangerous in the wrong hands.

In the final panel, two humans are shown wearing fursuits are at a party. One is saying 'So I said to Ken, "That's a nice fox outfit you're..." Dang! I did it again.", as he accidentally knocks a bottle of wine to the floor with his tail.


  1. Adrian Raeside's bio on his official website. Retrieved May 25, 2013.
  2. Adrian Raeside's page on Retrieved May 24, 2013.
  3. The Other Coast of May 24, 2013 on Retrieved May 25, 2013.

External links[edit]

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