Londikin (Haven MUSH)

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Londikin was a large male sentient wolf, called a Lupien, on HavenMUSH. Londikin's background was a hybrid of an explorer and anthropologist, called a Wanderer, whose purpose to his people was to find a new land his people had never heard of, establish himself there and learn all he could about the peoples there, then near the end of his life, return home to share with his people what he had learned.

As with all Lupien wolves, Londikin was imbued with a magical spell that translated anything he said into the native language of those within earshot. This did not assure, of course, that the fear many villagers had of wolves would be quelled and Londikin often found himself at the receiving end of mobs and would-be hunters. Though not truly a warrior, part of the training he received as a Wanderer was combat, and Londikin -- being a wolf the size of a horse -- could hold his own in most brawls and fights, generally long enough to make an escape (his general preference, as he had an aversion to killing sentient beings, though he was a potato hunter for his food).