Ozone Griffox

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Ozone Griffox by ^Draco^

Ozone Griffox (born July 25, 1978) is a Griffox from France. He is mainly interested in furry art, social exchanges, and roleplaying.

Ozone studies colors and its brain interpretation as a hobby. He has been a colorist to other artists' works and makes coloring tutorials. He enjoys playing Chess, Othello, or any other 'smart' games. For sport, he involves himself with Judo. On his spare time, he is a computer scientist.

Often on FurNet_(IRC) under the nickname 'Ozone', he founded the channel #foxie. On Second Life under the nickname 'Ozone Moe', he wanders and relaxes in various places. He can also be found on TFNet for transformations chat, one of his kinks; and on avians.net, a place for bird and gryphon lovers.

Professional path

  • 1996-1999 : Analyst-Programmer, platform independent accounting software creation
  • 1999-1999 : Programmer, printing works
  • 2000-2001 : Analyst-Programmer, games management software creation
  • 2001-2002 : Project manager, accounting euro convertion for a national supermarket brand
  • 2002-2005 : IT manager, national refrigerant services
  • 2005-2006 : VisiPics development, first steps to create his own company
  • 2006-now_ : Project manager, intelligent switchboard software


Ozone Griffox works on various projects:

Projects of the past

  • 2003-2006 : Game Master on a MORPG called Armada. Had to stop when he started creating his company.
  • 2001-2006 : Corestaff of the WebPortal for Francophones Furries FranceFurs. In collaboration with Timduru. Left to have more time for his professional life and his convention, the FranFurence.

IC History

His Griffox character is an hybrid part eagle, part fox. Born as a werewolf of Gaia in 1978, he grew up like a normal homide, rejected by human's society until his first transformation. Two years with the werewolves taught him to dislike those creatures, and he looked for ways to escape his curse. In 1999, he found a demon who accepted to replace his curse for another one. He then became a full shapeshifter thanks to a strange golden amulet offered by the demon. He adapted his shape through time to adopt more or less permanently the one of a Griffox.

Griffox form

While the Griffox resembles, at a glance, a fox with wings, it has several less visible avian features.

Ozone Griffox by Taurin Fox
  • Ozone's entire anatomy is naturally adapted to flying.
  • Fully feathered like a bird's, the wings have a very flexible skeletal structure. His wings have superhuman strength and can create enough lift to enable him to carry aloft at least 500 pounds in addition to his own weight.
  • The fur around his shoulderblades is in fact very thin black feather covering the wing arms. The wing's pits are protected by numerous grey feathers while the longest white ones can be up to four feet long and provides the main flight support.
  • His cartilage bones are hollow like a bird's, making him weigh far less than usual for a fox of his build.
  • His body is virtually devoid of fat, and possesses greater proportionate muscle mass than an ordinary fox does, a larger neck and a stronger chest.
  • His organs are protected in a large rib cage. His very thin tummy almost devoid of anything thus looking atrophied. His tail is flat and triangular, used like a rudder for his flight.
  • His eyes are specially adapted to withstand high-speed winds which would hurt the average fox eye. They are extremelly sharp and are able to see the smallest of prey from afar. His ears are as large as a Fennec's and can twist backward to make his head perfectly aerodynamic and protect his auditory canal from the wind.
  • He possesses a special membrane in his respiratory system enabling him to extract oxygen from the air at high velocities or altitudes.
  • Ozone flies by flapping his wings, as a bird does. Though he generally flies below the height of clouds (6,500 feet), Ozone can reach a height of 10,000 feet with little effort. With severe strain he can reach the highest recorded altitude of a bird in flight (African geese at 29,000 feet above sea level), but he can only remain that high for several minutes. He can fly nonstop under his own power for an approximate maximum of twelve hours.
  • His brain is smaller than a fox and he forgets things easily after a few minutes. He's also playful and silly, considering anybody a potential prey until proven otherwise.

A gryphon with a fox part instead of a lion part, with a beak and feathers above the middle body, is a Gryphox, NOT a Griffox.

External links

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