Lathou Xaris

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Lathou Xaris (born August 6, 1984) is an amateur artist and owner/operator of an educational facility within the Second Life virtual world.

Fandom involvement[edit]

Lathou has been involved with the furry fandom since June 2009, and is most commonly seen as a tall red kangaroo. He resides in New South Wales, Australia, and is a full-time student at the University of Newcastle.

As of December 2009 he has become partnered to professional artist Sinwolf, aka Sinful Darkness.


Lathou's educational facility in Second Life is 198fur (a web site is also available). It is dedicated to teaching residents of Second Life about content creation (building and scripting within the virtual world). It is also a social venue that holds regular events featuring DJs and live music.

External links[edit]

Lathou Xaris on Fur Affinity
Sinwolf on Fur Affinity

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