Jaga Grey Fox

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Real Jaga GreyFox 2011.
Jaga's Fursuit By NightFell 2011.

Jaga (born August 30, 1991) is a young grey vixen and furry lifestyler who lives in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Jaga considers herself a Therian from birth and has always thought of herself as an animal, specifically a Gray Fox. Her name comes from the tag on a plush red fox she received at the age of 6, whose tag read "JAGA." She liked the name so much she decided to use it for herself.

She is currently in a Monogamous relationship with Ziko Ticondria. They have been together sense 1/17/2011, after meeting on a website made by Giza called PA-Furry in July of 2010 and becoming good real life friends.

Fursona Details

  • Sex: Female
  • Orientation: Strait
  • Height: 5ft 7inches
  • Weight: 135 lbs
  • Tail Length: 2ft
  • Coloring: Grey fur with white belly tail tip and face markings and fingertips. Black arms and legs and paws and ears and traditional fox face marks. white inner ear and pink paw pads. Purple stripes through white tail tip and spiky purple hair. Blue eyes, lavender bits
  • Claws: about one inch, black
  • Piercings: Purple Size 4 guages in each ear, 3 silver hoops in each ear, tongue, bellybutton
Jaga's fursona, drawn by herself 2010.

Jaga's fursona was first created as a childhood role-playing type of character at the age of 6. Her original look was supposed to be that of a traditional natural Gray Fox but when she decided to add the purple hair and tail markings a bit later, she decided to remove the orange markings that real Gray Foxes have. She felt that this would artistically translate better. Thus today's Jaga GreyFox was born.

Jaga's description of herself:

What makes me a grey fox? The grey fox, also known as the island fox needs a warm sunny climate. I myself am affected negatively by icky weather, and hate the cold. Grey foxes are going extinct fast. They are hard to find even in their native areas. Like the grey fox, I have a hard time finding others like me, unless they are just putting on that fake front. Like foxes in general I don't have a group. I hate packs and groups and rather travel alone, other than my mate. Much like fairytale foxes I have an odd sense of humor and a good knack for being a trickster. I am swift both with my words, mind, and movements and when I do not want to be found it takes a lot to track me down. The grey fox itself has a strange pelt compared to all the other foxes, I also like to be creative and wear odd clothing mixtures, and I have a style of my own. Like all foxes, I am also more active a night. Grey foxes are also the most silent of the foxes, they bark occasionally but not near as loud or often as arctic or reds. As for me, I am quiet unless I feel threatened, or if I trust you. The most obvious connection yet is that both me and grey foxes are omnivores, eating both meat and plants yummy ^_^. My fursona (grey fox) plays a huge role in my furry life style. The info above and much more connect me to the grey fox. [1]


Fursuit Built By: NightFell

Fursuit First Recieved On: April 21, 2011

Fursuits First Convention Appearance: Furaffinity United 4

Fursuits First Meet Appearance: DE Furbowl 26

Reason for Fursuiting: Fun, Conventions/Meets, Volunteer work.

Fursuit Pictures


She also attends and plans to attend many conventions including:

Jaga also attends many local events including every Delaware Furbowl since Furbowl 14 in 2009, and plans to attend New Years Furry Ball in 2011. She also has hosted many furmeets at her own home and plans to do more in the future.

Hobbies and Interests


Jaga Fhang on Secondlife 2011.

Personal Interests:


  1. Jaga's FurAffiity page, September 3, 2010

External links

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