Jale Swiftpaw

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Jale Swiftpaw as depicted by Zeke Panda (FA: t-bone-0).
Jale Swiftpaw as depicted by Tsubaki Nykohara (FA: tsubaki).

Jale Amadeus Swiftpaw (October 7, 1986) (formerly known as Jale Albatros) is a venezuelan furry resident of the city of Maracay, Aragua. Originally, his fursona used to be a bear, but he went through raccoon (procyon lotor), tanuki and finally, wolfcoon (wolf and raccoon hybrid) as his definitive fursona.

Character's bio

No-one knows where Jale Swiftpaw comes from, not even himself. He never met his parents and was raised by humans. At the early age of 13 he left his adoptive parents and joined the army, where he began his military career where he became instructor at the age of 15. He's a specialist in firearms, a great mechanic and exceptional pilot in all sorts of airships, since small planes to big warships.

Upon his retirement at the age of 18, he started his entertainment career as a DJ in many night clubs.

He is mated to Darkus Night as of December 10th, 2010.

In Second Life, he can be found as Jale Swiftpaw (jale.albatros) and he visits Gay Yiffy Club frequently.

Fursona details

  • Name: Jale Amadeus Swiftpaw.
  • Age: 24 years old.
  • Sex: Male.
  • Species: Wolfcoon.
  • Sign of the zodiac: Libra.
  • Ears: Long and very sensitive.
  • Height: 4' 92".
  • Weight: 226 lbs.
  • Hair color: Black.
  • Eye colors: Yellow.
  • Fur: Shades of gray.
  • Clothing: Variable. He usually wears a leather jacket, baggy pants and goggles.

External links