Axle (UK)

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Revision as of 17:44, 12 May 2011 by Axle (Talk | contribs)

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Born in Lisburn, Northern Ireland in 1986, this shy fox is full of surprises for those he comes to trust well enough to call his friends. Having moved around the country due to his father previously being in the army, he's fairly well travelled around the UK, but still enjoys journeying around to meet up with friends from both ends of the country.

Hobbies & Interests

  • Ice Hockey: Whilst at university in Manchester, the opportunity arose to try his hand at the sport and very quickly put a large dent in his next student loan payment. Unfortunately, due to lack of transport, sessions were scarce. However, with the opening of the new rink in Altrincham and the recent purchase of a car, a return to the sport seems to be on the cards.
  • Archery: Before leaving for university, archery was the sport of choice and quickly led to the procurement of a nice recurve bow and a set of arrows which are still in possession today.
  • Bar Flair: That's right, this fox likes to dabble in flair bartending (just don't mention Tom Cruise). Unfortunately his practice equipment was lifted from his previous employer when he left it overnight.
  • Gaming: Also an avid PC and Xbox 360 gamer, slowly building up a collection of games, along with the seemingly ever-important gamer points and reputation.
  • Web Design: Always been the computing specialisation of choice for this fox, though recent attempts have brought to light just how far behind the times he is with practices.
  • Cars: Love them. As mentioned above, recently the owner of a '97 Vauxhall Corsa (though yet to be able to drive it). Currently only a provisional licence holder, but due to start working towards the elusive pink card soon enough.
  • Music: How anyone can cope without it is beyond me, I can't get enough of decent music. As long as you don't try and play me the 'popular' music that's in the charts now (90% of which has been trash recently) then we should get along fine. Make it rock/dance though and I'll be hooked.


Currently working for one of Europe's mobile communication companies in a technical specialist role within a retail store.

Previous jobs include:

  • Special Constable for Mersyeside Police
  • Lane Marshal - Working on general duties at a bowling alley.
  • Ice Marshal - Working on ice at Manchester Piccadilly's Christmas rink.
  • Bartender - For a couple of bars during uni.
  • Customer Assistant - For 7 months at a well known DIY chain.

External Links

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