Kashi Commodore

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Kashi Commodore is a furry DJ , formerly for the Furcadia Branch of AllFurRadio, as well as a member of several other Furcadia-related groups. [1]

He had joined AllFurRadio in September 2009, initally as a forum administrator to assist with the reworking of their website. His role soon increased at the station and he quickly became a popular personality within the group. He soon rose to a technical manager within the station, but left in June 2010 after an inter-managerial dispute. He was soon the focus of some negative attention over the circumstances of his departure.

His 'fursona' on the air is of a criminal 'hacker' who constantly seeks to disrupt and upset the other DJ's, and interrupt usual programming to broadcast a 'pirate' rockshow. He was usually the focus of negative attention from the other DJ's on-air. This had resulted in some memorable moments, such as an occasion where he 'sold' the other DJ's at a slave auction on-air to raise money for himself. (In truth, a fund raising effort on behalf of the station as a whole.) [2]

He is also a member of the Furcadia 'Beekin Guardians', a volunteer group organised by Furcadia's owners and staff, whom oversee enforcement of the games rules and user policies. [3]


  1. http://www.allfurradio.com/furcadia
  2. http://twitter.com/kashicommodore
  3. http://www.furcadia.com/services/beekins/listbeekins.php4?group=guardians
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