Anthrogasm Magazine

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Template:Infobox Magazine

Anthrogasm Magazine is furrotica publication that features heterosexual content created exclusively by furries within SecondLife. It is published in Second Life and geared towards the furry community withn the 3D virtual world. The first issue of Anthrogasm was released on December 20th 2007 and featured a focus upon breeding and impregnation play to usher the concept of a focus upon sexual fetish.

Since then Anthrogasm has since grown to include independent versions for both homosexual orientations, titled the Gay Edition and Lezzie Edition. In addition to these two sub-releases a third title was created much later intended for less mainstream fetish content. The reason for the divisions of the content is meant to prevent readers from purchasing content that does not appeal.

Its content is largely based upon machinima still images of furs in a virtual environment. The creation of scenes featuring a specific erotic situation are the bulk of Anthrogasm releases. Though pornographic in nature, Anthrogasm's purpose is meant to be greater than that of simple adult entertainment and urges the reader to consider a deeper understanding of content by means of an analyzing the sexual desires of those featured within the magazine, both fictional situations and through guest interview.


Early Influence

In late 2006 Basinium met Zuffy Fura, the owner and founder of the PlayPony, and spoke of his desire to create a publication that would feature photographic erotica paired with story content. He expressed that Anthrogasm was to be a unique publication that was to be more than simple pornography that was believed to be damaging to the furry community. Basinium believed this to be an opportunity to aid partner and sexual relationships though knowledge of sexual fetish. The story content was meant to separate Anthrogasm from fellow erotic furry publications and allow the reader to experience a variety of sexual situations.


In the summer of 2006, Zuffy Frua gave Basinium the LSL script that he had written for PlayPony which allowed the compiling and viewing of the magazine page textures within SecondLife. With the aid of Zuffy's scripted magazine object, the First Issue of Anthrogasm Magazine was released in December of 2006.


The creation of Anthrogasm was influenced by a desire to display erotic situations that showcased a particular fetish that allowed readers to expose themselves to something new. A major goal of Anthrogasm was to allow for an understanding of sexuality. With this knowledge furs could then find new enjoyments and learn that of their partners. It is the founder's belief that sexual understanding allows for couples, sexual partners and mated furs to maintain healthier relationships is an underlying theme that pervades much of Anthrogasm's featured content.

Those to be featured in a release are carefully chosen by their interests with a huge attempt to cast Players who enjoy the content of a scene. It is important to the founder that Players enjoy their place in a scene as he believes that those who understand and enjoy the scene they are apart of will provide feedback that will enrich the content of the release by firsthand knowledge.

In the tradition of furry SL-zines, Anthrogasm's goal was to serve the SL furry community and less about running a successful SL business.


Releases are divided up by type of content and referred to as "segments."


Each issue of the original Anthrogasm Magazine features a theme that each segment is connected to in some way. This theme does not necessarily have any relation to the fetish content featured in an action scene, but is a way to ground the near limitless storyline possibilities of each scene.

Founder's Note

In the first pages of each release the founder speaks on the goal of particular Issue or Edition to allow the reader to consider the content of the scenes. With one of the major goals of Anthrogasm being to allow understanding of fetishes, this note is meant to give the reader a more analytical mindset in which to experience content at a deeper level.


An interview appears in every Anthrogasm Issue and Edition to date and is central to the concept.

Nude Pictorial

The nude pictorial interview is considered to be the staple of Furrotica SL-zines and is featured in many of the early Issues.

Erotic Housing

The Erotic Housing shoot was meant to make a connection with the SL furry community and allow furs to show off their well groomed homes. Unique and original homes and owners are the focus of the Erotic Housing section.

Couples Shoot

Though it is considered improper to feature couples in a real relationship in pornographic work, Anthrogasm seeks to reach a depth in the reader's discovery of new sexual interests. The interviewing of couples allows readers to learn the sexuality of real furs though interview and in some cases sex.

Role-Play Action Scene

As a relatively new segment to the SL-zine, the Role-Play Action Scene features real intercourse and the role play text of furries in SL. The exposure of the reader to real sex can allow for understanding that a planned scene may not.

Action Scene

As the backbone of all releases, the Action Scene features sex that follows one or more fetishes. Most scenes are shot on a custom made set created by builders in SL, either freelance or Anthrogasm Staff Engineers. The scenes are orchestrated by a Director, almost always the founder, who oversees the production process of a scene to ensure that the content is meaningful and follows the respective release. Anthrogasm Players are directed to poses to be photographed. The resulting pictures are produced and placed alongside a story written by a member of the Anthrogasm Writing Department, though these stories are almost always written by the founder.



The original Anthrogasm release that features strictly straight content referred to as "Anthrogasm." Releases of the original are referred to as issues. After two successful releases of the first version of the SL-zine, there was a surprise announcement of the two sub-Editions followed three days later by the release of Issue Three and the new First Editions.

There is controversy over the timing and influence of the sub-Editions. It is believed by some that the creation and surprise release of the sub-Editions was a plot to damage the leading furry erotica publication, Playfoxx, that was patronized by gay furs. The founder maintains that the release of the sub-Editions was to expand the reader base and allow the creation of Anthrogasm scenes for gay and lesbian furs with fetishes that are explicitly homosexual.

Gay Edition

Male homosexual content is featured in the Gay Edition of Anthrogasm Magazine.

Lezzie Edition

Female homosexual content is featured in the Lezzie Edition of Anthrogasm Magazine. It is being considered that the title of the Lezzie Edition be changed to the "Lesbian Edition" due to controversy over the use of what many consider an epithet. The founder maintains that the title was chosen to exclude the use of the word "lesbian" which he believed may be offensive to the lesbian community as the Edition is not a community publication, opting for the slang version as a way of lightening the word.

Extreme Edition(defunct)

The Extreme Edition was the original release concept to incorporate unusual fetishes that might not reach a wide audience. It was later canceled and assimilated into the Single Release Series concept.

Single Release Series(SRS)

The goal of Anthrogasm was to allow exploration of sexual situations as a vector for fetishes. Where the division of the magazine releases by orientation was meant to prevent furs from purchasing content that they did not enjoy, the goal of the SRS was much the same. Certian fetishes and situations that are deemed too extreme for the pages of Anthrogasm are placed in the SRS.

The Extreme Edition was the first remedy to this problem but was later scrapped for the Single Release Series concept.

A typical SRS release is not intended to carry the same volume of content as of Anthrogasm and its sub-editions but to feature as much content as deemed necessary for exploitative purpose. Each Single Release Series features a fetish that may not support a wide audience or does not meet well with themes. It is meant to allow the quick release of one or two scenes and an interview in lieu of feature within a full issue of Anthrogasm.

Production and Staff

Evolution of Production

Anthrogasm's staff structure grew from a single handed production, the roles within Anthrogasm grew from natural necessity over a organized structure. Production of the magazine is divided into two phases, pre-shoot and post production. The components of production are divided up into departments.

Phase I

In phase I, the general goal is to plan and prepare for the shoot. This includes scene writing, set planning, set creation, prop creation, acquisition of animations, wardrobe and accessories that players might require.


The scene director meets with players and extras on the set at a set date. Scene shoots last around three hours.

Phase II

After the shoot the photography is produced, the story written and edited before the scene is paged by an Anthrogasm Artistic Coordinator.

Staff Members

With the volume of activity that the production of four releases brings there has been an increase in administrative, support staff and more specialized staff members.


The overseeing of each release may be done by an Anthrogasm Admin or the founder himself. Within each release there may be a separate admin for each phase depending upon the volume of work. Admins are typically assigned to an Anthrogasm release and work with content related rather than jumping between Issues and Editions.


An Anthrogasm department is geared to tend to a specific sequence in the production lineup. Tasks within a department rarely cross between production phases. At any given time a department may be working on material for multiple releases.

The hierarchy within a department differs slightly but the basic construction follows a three level tier with Anthrogasm titled position such as Engineer or Artistic Coordinator followed by Builder or Artist and lastly non-staff free lance builders that have a repetior with Anthrogasm. A staff member that has been hired for a position is referred to as being "on-staff" which could be likened to tenure. These staff members are offered tasks before non-titled staff with a relationship with Anthrogasm and free lance contacts. The shadowing of on-staff personnel by newer members is not uncommon.


The differentiation between a freelance builder and an Anthrogasm Engineer is the ability to read "schematics" that illustrate the positioning and details of a set for use by Anthrogasm. Rather than create a blueprint to be followed implicitly, the schematic allows for a continuation of the design process as the Anthrogasm Engineer adds their own personal interpretation of the scene's setting. This process is meant to enrich the scene by adding more creative minds to the process. This is often done by collaboration with a scene's director or the event's manager.

The Engineering Department handles the creation of props, animations and scripting with on-staff builders. Sub-contracting may occur as necessary during times of influx or if a task requires a high level of artistic specialization.


All creation of artistic material for Anthrogasm falls under the Artistic Department which houses staff that produce graphic art and layout work. The primary task of Artistic Department staff is the creation of the pages of Anthrogasm. Page design is the task of the Artistic Coordinator, abbreviated AC, an on-staff member who produces the pictures taken during a shoot and pairs them with the story text. A background and theme is designed by the AC to fit the scene. The AC has the ability to coordinate other artists for large tasks that may require texture work or simple layout design. It is this that differentiates the AC from a layout artist role along with further collaboration with the scene's director in this last leg of production.


Those who write and edit for the SL-zine are placed within the Writing Department.


Scene directors and photographers are consigned to the Photography Department. Potential scene directors work as photographers who take profile images, poster shots and cover Anthrogasm events as they learn the intricacies of directing for an Anthrogasm scene.

Scheduling and Wardrobe

Staff members who help coordinate communication between departments are placed under the Scheduling and Wardrobe department so that they may work closely with Anthrogasm admins.

Support Staff

Anthrogasm hires furs to help with the production lineup with part-time positions and occasionally in particular influx may hire for one time projects. Since Anthrogasm is not considered a business, the work flow philosophy relies upon the completion of projects over a period of time set by the complexity of the task and the staff member's online time. Support Staff are scheduling of largely phase I tasks, wardrobe and event planners.

Specialized Staff

Staff member with a more specialized skill set are assigned tasks that require creative ability. These personnel are Scene Directors, Artistic Coordinators, Anthrogasm Engineers, admins and Department Directors.

External links