Dorsai Irregulars

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The Dorsai Irregulars, or DI for short, are a volunteer security force consisting entirely of science fiction fans. They were founded in 1974 by Robert Asprin in response to a need for security at science fiction conventions. Before the DI, security at conventions was normally handed by hiring outside security, which resulted in some friction between them and the con-goers since the former did not have much knowledge of the science fiction fandom. [1]

The DI beret and Anthrocon pin

Dorsai and Furry

Their first ever appearance at a furry convention was at Anthrocon 2002. They have returned to provide security services for AC every year since, each time with a larger and larger set of members.

Due to the general good response to their work at Anthrocon, the Dorsai have begun working Megaplex, FurFright and Furry Connection North as well.

The Dorsai regularly call on non-members they trust to fill out large contracts or contracts in areas where they do not have enough local members. The last few years there has been a notable number of furs working with the Dorsai at such conventions as MagFest (video gaming and rock'n'roll), Confluence (literary science fiction convention), Conclave (general science fiction convention) and others.

Furry author Mel. White has been a member of the Dorsai Irregulars since 1988, and is credited with originally bringing the Irregulars to the attention of Anthrocon's leadership. Giza was inducted into the Dorsai Irregulars in March, 2008. [2]

See also Dorsai Thing below.

Dorsai/Furry Migratory Study

In 2006, Dorsai staffer Mike 'Gooch' Gucciard made up 100 tags such as one would use in tagging migratory (or pseudo-migratory) animals. The tags indicated they were part of the "DI MIG STUDY, ANTHRO 2006." These were given only to full fursuiters, and all were gone unexpectedly quickly. In 2007 a 150 [3]tag set went just as quickly. [4] Number 250 was reserved for sale in the charity auction, it went for nearly $300.00. In 2008, there were 250 tags which still seemed to fall short of enough.[5] Tag numbers are unique, each year picks up where the previous left off.

Dorsai Thing

Once a year, the Dorsai hold their own relaxacon called Dorsai Thing. It is a small, invitation-only gathering for Dorsai, their family and their friends. There is no guest of honor and little formal programming. The sole purpose is to get together at a convention and not actually have to work it. One mark of the good relation between the Dorsai and the Furries is the ever-increasing number of Furries invited to Thing each year.

The Dorsai are heavily involved in filk music, and are likely to be involved in any such activities at cons they attend.[6]

Dorsai Trading Cards

John Hall (foreground) and Grant Millard trade their cards at Conclave 31

Beginning at Anthrocon 2006, an anonymous individual began sending packages to the Dorsai Irregulars with "trading cards" of the Dorsai in them. Each trading card contained a picture of a person or book, and facts about them on the back of the card. Inclusion in the cards is not limited to members of the Dorsai Irregulars. Furries such as Uncle Kage and Giza have also had cards made about them.

There are currently two series of cards: "Series A", and "Series 1". It is estimated that there are at least 50 cards in total.

Dorsai Irregulars who have served at Anthrocon

This list is currently incomplete. The full roster of Dorsai at each con needs to be consulted.

Note that not all the above were members of the Irregulars when they first worked Anthrocon, but we're retroactively counting them as same (says Sgt Steve).

Noted furry artists Diana Harlan Stein and Mel White are also members of the Dorsai Irregulars.

In addition, the Dorsai regularly call on a group of reliable friends and companions to help with heavy staffing required at Anthrocon. A very partial list of that group includes Tori Clayton, Samantha Gobeyn (Bookie), Karen Klink, Alex Krumwiede, Geoff Lamb, Miranda Radelt, Dave Roach, Sandy Schreiber, Max Sprinkle (Inducted March 2009) and many others who we'll eventually look up.

Joining the Dorsai Irregulars

Membership to the Dorsai Irregulars is by invitation only.

New members are chosen primarily from people they have worked with and who work well with the group. Important criteria include a willingness to work selflessly; a reliable good nature under stress; an ability to think on ones feet; a deep sense of personal responsibility; an ability to perform various roles in the organization; and most of all a certain undefinable "simpatico" that they claim to know when they see it. There is no official limit or quota on new members but the selection process is somewhat complex and lengthy. Candidates for membership are not informed that they are under consideration, [7] [8] and their induction to the Irregulars usually comes as a surprise to them. [9]

Alleged Singing

The Dorsai are fond of writing songs about particularly 'interesting' moments.[10] Anthrocon has been the the subject of more than a few, such as We're Working Anthrocon.


  1. History of the Dorsai Irregulars, from the Dorsai Irregulars website
  2. Some Furry Dorsai News, retrieved from Anthrocon's forums
  3. [Mike Gucciard]
  4. New Furry Species Found, from [Sgt Steve]'s LiveJournal
  5. Mike Gucciard
  6. Filk Music and the Dorsai Irregulars - John Hall, Dorsai Irregulars - Archivist
  7. Dorsai Irregulars: Organization
  8. "How do I join the Dorsai Irregulars?" from the Anthrocon forums
  9. Some Furry Dorsai News, from the Anthrocon forums
  10. The Dorsai Irregular Filk Song Collection

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