News:Flayrah to close after nine-year run

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November 30, 2009

Furry news portal is to close December 8 after almost nine years of service, according to site maintainer Frysco.[1] The decision to shutter the site was made with founder and domain name owner Aureth, who ran the site until mid-2006.

Flayrah was once a major source of news for furry fandom, with original content such as the review of Shawn Keller's Horrifying Look at the Furries and heavily-debated commentaries on the state of the fandom.[2][3] However, increased competition, stagnating site features, and a glut of newsletter-style posts from event promoters and publishers caused readership to dwindle. The site was also excluded from search engines, apparently as a side-effect of robots.txt rules intended to combat spam.

Around 2,500 news items have been posted to Flayrah - the first announcing the launch of the World Tree role-playing game at Further Confusion 2001.[4] The site was named after the Lapine term for "unusually good food" in Watership Down. Major contributors included MelSkunk, mwalimu, Cordite, Fred Patten, Trickster, Treesong and Feren.


  1. Flayrah Closing - Frysco, Flayrah (November 28, 2009)
  2. Shawn Keller's Horrifying Look at the Furries - Aureth, Flayrah (July 23, 2001)
  3. State of the Fandom - Lamar, Flayrah (December 27, 2002)
  4. World Tree RPG Launch at Further Confusion - micah, Flayrah (January 14, 2001)

Further reading[edit]