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AnthroChat is an IRC network which was created by Simba (Scott Garron) in response to the negative opinions felt of the administration of FurNet. In late 2003/early 2004, SnowPony, an IRCop of Furnet began using her powers to forcibly disconnect trolls from FurNet, who usually congregated in the channel #safurs. This quickly degenerated into a series of challenges of IRCop authority and subsequent network-wide bans of large swaths of users in SnowPony's efforts to remove from FurNet those who she found objectionable.

Simba, an IRCop of FurNet at the time, fell out of favor with this form of administration and ended up /akill'ing SnowPony in an infamous finale to his administration duties on FurNet. He then put out a call for volunteers to create a new, uncensored IRC network which became known as Anthrochat. Anthrochat's mission statement is essentially to be a unmoderated, uncensored medium where the IRCops' sole responsibility is to ensure the physical integrity of the network. Censorship, social mores, and personal tastes are relegated to the channel operators of individual channels, and no network-wide enforced decency standards or code of conduct exists. FurNet continues to enforce common decency standards, which some consider subjective to the views of the IRCops online making them at the time. To this day, feelings about the whole split are somewhat sore, and users typically identify with one network or the other, though some connect to both simultaneously.

Anthrochat presently runs a version of the UnrealIRCD server using Anope services. The change in codebase from what Furnet was using was received so positively, particularly because of the vhost feature that allows users to request customized hostmasks, that Furnet itself has mimiced Anthrochat's lead by instituting the same IRC daemon and services package.

Popular channels

Current staff


  • BlueOtter: runs
  • Mirage: runs
  • Cheetah: runs
  • Pippin Bear: runs and
  • Simba: runs and codes services
  • Splash: runs and maintains the website
  • SoleiTixen: runs
  • Tet: runs


  • Bobby: global operator
  • Foxdie: local operator on
  • Harik: global operator and codes services