Acey Chance Winters

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Acey as drawn by KC Raveyote.
Jake, Acey's player

Frontman of fictional furry rock band "TIGER", Acey Winters , is a white Bengal tiger with wild red hair and an attitude sleazier than the badboys of the hair metal era, the 1980s which brought the world bands like Mötley Crüe

Acey is played by Jacob Gillaspie, a 23 year old Caucasian male living in Tampa, Florida, U.S.A. As an amateur hobby, he likes photography, which can he posts on various galleries online. He also runs a 'furry porn' blog which is mostly a featurette of his favorites works of various furry art found mostly on, and can be found at here.

Acey is also known as Acey Chance Winterfox, ACW Tiger, and Sleaze Roxx

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