Talk:Crusader Cat

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Revision as of 07:07, 18 June 2009 by (Talk)

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Crusader Cat is editing his own WikiFur page to obfuscate the fact that he has admitted to sexual abuse of animals. He has written his article to hide the fact that the reason furries are angry with him is not because he is a Christian, but rather that he is using his religious beliefs to project his crimes onto others not guilty of his sin of animal rape.-- 17:41, 16 June 2009 (UTC)

Controversial claims must not only be well sourced, but when it is about a person, there must be a good argument why the information should be made public. Just because something is true doesn't necessarily mean it belongs here. If you wish to continue your efforts to include the information in the article, please register an account to do so. --mwalimu 16:28, 17 June 2009 (UTC)
Absolutely! Unfortunately, Crusader Cat has deleted the Adobe Acrobat PDF file from his FurAffinity account where he describes, in graphic detail, of sexually abusing his pets. Before Crusader Cat deleted his PDF file confessing animal sexual abuse from FurAffinity, I saved it to my computer. I would be happy to expose all supporting documents of Crusader Cat's confession of sexually abusing his pets if you would kindly link to me a document describing how I might upload these documents directly to WikiFur.
I not only have that PDF file saved to my computer as evidence of his crime, but the video I sourced in Crusader Cat's article, that you deleted, shows Crusader Cat confessing to molesting his pets. Anyone reading this, interested in watching Crusader Cat admit to sexually abusing his pets, can go through the history of the Crusader Cat article and find the video sourced in a previous version of the article of Crusader Cat confessing to sexually abusing his animals.
The integrity of WikiFur is at stake when people guilty of serious crimes can produce false articles depicting themselves as clean, moral, and decent people. A false "Crusader" who is actually more guilty of the crime of animal sexual abuse than most all furries should never be tolerated to hide his past. How would you like it if a criminal donned the title "crusader" and then came to your social group commanding you and your friends to repent of a crime none of you had committed -- but he had? That is what is happening here, and Crusader Cat is exploiting WikiFur as the source of documentation of the furry fandom to whitewash his past. Crusader Cat pretends like those who disagree with him hate him for being a Christian when the reality is that he is hated because he sexually molested his pets and then approached furries as a saint offering forgiveness when he is the one who needs forgiveness for his detestable crime of animal rape.
No one should be allowed to use WikiFur as a platform to produce a sparkling clean article about themselves when reality is quite different. No one should be allowed to drum up support for a cause, when they themselves are in gross violation of the cause they purport to represent without exposure of the facts of their past crimes. No one guilty of serious crimes should use WikiFur to falsely portray themselves as a pious angel of religious indemnity while feigning innocence and condemning others. The truth is that those people Crusader Cat claims are "haters of Christianity" are, in actuality, angry of Crusader Cat's sexual abuse of animals followed by falsely accusing others guilty of his crime while pretentiously wrapping himself up in a cloak of holiness.
Again, I would be happy to expose all supporting documents of Crusader Cat's confession of sexually abusing his pets if you would kindly link to me a document describing how I might upload these documents directly to WikiFur. Why should a animal molestor, such as Crusader Cat, be allowed to make himself a sparkling clean article of himself as a Crusader against sexual abuse without exposing his own past as a animal abuser? Seems to me, Crusader Cat is more guilty of the crime of animal sex abuse than most of the furries he condemns. -- 20:53, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

Just tell me, who are you on FA? Assuming of course your a furry and not a troll.

I support including this information here.

Crusader Cat has written this article in order to show himself in the best possible light. This is human nature and is to be expected. However, WikiFur should not be used for whitewashing one’s past. CC is disliked by many due to his sexual abuse of animals, and while CC claims that he is disliked for being Christian, the real reason for many peoples dislike should be shown.

To, please create an account here and start the process of formally adding this information. I did not save CC's PDF file. 11:03, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

Additionally: I would like to point out that CC has responded to on FA. I can only assume he presumes FA a better venue for the discussion.
"Stop wasting your time, the admin there are not retarded and aren't going to fall for your tricks. What you are doing is illegal, immoral, and cowardly. People have tried this to me before and their IP's got banned, Yours will too soon and all hope of doing anything there will be gone for good." 11:07, 18 June 2009 (UTC)