Jeremy Bernal

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Jeremy Bernal (previously known as Cullen) is a furry artist whose specialty is furotica. His art style tends to the realistic, with highly detailed fur texture and shading, appropriate shading for his character's musculatures, well-detailed and expressive faces, and other such fine attention to detail.

He is the founder and administrator of the paysite furry gallery SexyFur; before that, he was best known for a set of Photoshop tutorials on his FurNation site (no longer available.) His signature characters are the female furry characters Sasha, Gunbunny, and Champagne.


In July 2006, Jeremy Bernal filed two DMCAs against former image-board, WTFur, for reposting non-distributable media (especially artwork from SexyFur) on their boards[1]. His work is currently the only work banned from the site, now known as, as they have otherwise rejected the concept of a Do Not Post list. In addition, several other imageboards that have furry subboards or are centered around furry content have adopted a rule (in many cases unwritten) wherein the posting of art by Bernal, even art he makes freely available, is a bannable offense. Because of these actions, Bernal is often mocked for using the DMCA and/or being overly litigious.


  1. DMCA Notices to WTFur [1] and [2] (links currently dead)

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