Life's Dream

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One Perfect Day

Life's Dream, by Bernard Doove. CreateSpace, December 18, 248 pages, ISBN 978-1434822604

Blurb from the book: "Two hurting souls. Two different species. Two very different cultures. When their paths cross, can they find common ground and achieve Life's Dream?"

Bernard Doove tells the story of a male human named Karl, and a female foxtaur named Pandora, who meet by accident at a time when their lives are at a turning point. Despite great physical and cultural differences, they find that they have enough in common to begin a relationship that lasts for decades. During this time, living and working in the foxtaur village, Karl has to deal with travails both natural and social. In doing so, he and Pandora touch the lives of the entire foxtaur clan, and several beyond it.

Life's Dream won the Ursa Major Award for the Best Anthropomorphic Novel for 2007.