Talk:Rex Wolf

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In July, 2006 there was a discussion of artists' concerns[1] about FurFest Northwest in the Artists Beware LiveJournal community. This spurred a debate mostly critical of the con, culminating in Rex Wolf threatening to bring a lawsuit[2] against the person who originally brought up concerns about the con

(edit: this wasn't a threat as you can see, but a question to those who still supported to the con to find out if they wanted FFN to take legal action. Also note, this was NOT a discussion, it was a rumor; the person making the post NEVER consulted any staff member, therefore his claims are unfounded.):

On July 24th, 2006, one month before the convention, Rex Wolf announced on the FurFest Northwest bulletin boards that the convention was being cancelled[3]. Originally, it was blamed on a lack of registration sales, but later revised as cancelled due to "a couple of furries"

(correct, it wasn't cancelled because of anything but what it says right here, there was a lack of interest CAUSED by these unjustified rumors, this meant a serious financial risk to the backer/chair of the con; thus cancellation was necessary. To make such a statement as above, a blatent lie, is irresponsible and only contributes to the problem here.):

This con was put together at the last minute due to the cancellation of Conifur. With no time to properly advertise, the con had to rely on word of mouth. That word turned sour when the "concerns" of a fur in the area, who refused to work on the con, were translated into vicious and unfounded rumors about the con. Not once did anyone making these public claims about the organization or lack thereof of FFN contact the staff to confirm their claims, much less ask to have them addressed. FFN was put together by caring people who wanted to hold a con where one had been cancelled. The staff did they best they could. How anyone could possibly interpret what the staff of FFN did to be harmful is beyond any possible comprehension. It's terrible to think about how such a service to the furry community through the efforts, hard work, and financial risk by a dedicated bunch of people could be called the things FFN was called. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) .

This should all be talked about at FurFest Northwest. I've removed the stuff that pertained to the con, as it isn't relevant to this article. --GreenReaper(talk) 05:26, 24 August 2006 (UTC)

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