User talk:Sniffeh

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Revision as of 01:38, 21 September 2008 by Sage Freehaven (Talk | contribs)

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User has vandalized my WikiFur entry in an attempt to get back at me for comments made on Sage Freehaven 03:35, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

What exactly does he expect after telling everyone I am a baby raping/killing diaper shit eating whatever his point was?Fucking loser

  • The point, dear sir, is that I've sent an e-mail to Greenreaper about your activity here, and he will likely take action against you for it. Sage Freehaven 03:45, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

Thats fine.I left him a message too and you can explain your behavor on lulz to him

  • My behavior on Lulz has no impact on the actions you take on this website. Different moderators/admins, different content, etc. Vandalizing a Wiki article just to get back at someone from a different board is probably looked down upon here. As is making vanity articles with no real substance for people who aren't widely known in the fandom, including yourself. Sage Freehaven 04:01, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

Your an idiot.For your information my profile is not for "Vanity" and I have had a mod WORKING on improving it.I simply posted the basic info and picture.And I happen to know a few famous furs like Kiroja Fluffy and RJ Beresford so you can stufu

  • Fair enough. But still, your vandalizing edits to my article (as well as the two images you uploaded to the site to further vandalize it) is likely going to get you reprimanded. Oh, and I reported your illegal upload of the Happymeal pic on FA. Enjoy explaining that to Dragoneer and Co. Sage Freehaven 04:07, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

Its not "ilegial" you retard its the internet.I can post artwork up.Besides I clearly stated I didn't draw it and wanted to know who did.Try again

  • That's not how FA works. You can't post someone else's art on the site and claim it's a "source request". The art you upload either has to be of your own creation, or you have to have permission by the original artist to upload it (usually used in the case of commissions). Again, enjoy explaining the illegal (by FA rules) upload to Dragoneer and Co. Sage Freehaven 04:18, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

I beg to differ: It clearly states in this conversation YOU had that it was allowed to be posted Try again

  • Read a little closer. cbee said he gave permission to anyone to "macro" it, which is his way of saying anyone could edit it. Nothing was ever said about him giving permission to anyone to upload the original picture to FA, especially without his prior permission or any credit given to him in the first place. And it's still not your art, it's not something you commissioned, and you have no rights, copy or otherwise, to the image. FA will take it down, no matter how much you argue the point. I point you here and to this specific quote: "Submissions may not be uploaded with intent to maliciously target, harass or cause harm to another individual. In addition, submissions uploaded to the site must be of your own creation, created expressly for you and posted with permission from the original artist, or your intellectual property. All sources (inspirations, sampling, references, copyright) must be cited, properly credited and documented within the submission's description. Failure to do so may result in removal of the submission with or without notice. By finalizing the submission, you agree that any and all information contained within the description of said submission is truthful and accurate." Sage Freehaven 04:33, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

Well first of all its not an original.When I saved it it was a png the one I posted is a jpg and this has NOTHING to do with Wikifur you just love drama don't you you pathetic waste of space.Its not my fault you flamed me for 12 hours after I commented on a thread that had NOTHING to do with you your stupid.Now go bother someone else(this is an offical request to not speak to me again)

  • Changing the file extension has nothing to do with whether or not it's the original image; changing the image's format doesn't somehow magically make the image yours, no matter how much you wish for it to be true. cbee is still the original artist, cbee still didn't give you permission, and you are still going to see the image taken down eventually. And then there's still the issue of your vandalous edits to my WikiFur article, which you're going to have to explain to Greenreaper, who will likely take action against you for said edits (and those two images you uploaded)...and he'll likely take action against me for the whole ordeal above, which I'm willing to risk. Sage Freehaven 04:41, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

Yeah yeah fine fine.And ummm the fact that I saved the file makes it mine dumbass.Its literly a file on my computer I own.DUH.If that was true that would mean every piece of art I ever saved wasn't mine.Your a moron.Oh btw,what part of don't speak to me do you not understand?GTFO

  • By that logic, that means every song you've ever downloaded off of P2P services is yours and you're the artist behind each and every single one of them. What you "own" is a digital copy of another person's work, and you're absolutely right when you say that every piece of art you've saved isn't yours. You didn't produce the work, therefore it's not "yours". You have what's called a "copy" of that artist's work, which means what's called the "original artwork" is still the property, intellectual or otherwise, of the original artist (in this case, cbee). FA will take the image down, you'll likely be given a reprimand, and then you'll get pissed off that FA didn't take your side with your asinine interpretation of copyright & intellectual property laws. Sage Freehaven 04:52, 21 September 2008 (UTC)


Its easy SHUT YOUR FUCKING TRAP I am done with your drama queen bullshit go away

  • I see, then, that I was right. FA removed your image, and now you're throwing a hissy fit. Sage Freehaven 05:00, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

And for your info know it all they simply removed the file and asked me to re read the rules.Now go away and pester someon who gives a shit about your opinion


Goddamn your a loser fuck you get me thrown off lulz and now you harress me on Wikifur go get a job or do something that doesn't sadden your life further

  • I told you FA would remove the image and give you a simple reprimand, and that you'd throw a hissy fit. See? If you can say anything about me, it's that I'm not a liar. And I didn't get you thrown off Lulz; I didn't ban you, and I didn't keep coming back for more when a ton of people told you to go away. (And don't you hate it when people post on a publically viewable website that you can't exercise administrative control over?) Sage Freehaven 05:04, 21 September 2008 (UTC)


Fuckin' loser

I'll delete this account and make a new one if thats what it takes to shut you up

  • If that's what you think it takes, man. But I won't shut up. Ever. I love having freedom of expression. Don't you? Sage Freehaven 05:09, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

You are blatently harressing me I told you to leave me alone over 4 times if you think that Greenreaper will just ignore this behavior your sadly mistaken.Now go away

  • I'm sure he won't ignore it. In fact, I fully expect him to do something about this in the end. But that still doesn't change the fact that I'm trying to engage in conversation with you on a legitimate discussion page, and thus I'm pretty much sticking within the rules. If you don't want to see the discussion here anymore, why not just delete it all? Sage Freehaven 05:18, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

Actually my freind Vic just sent me a link to the rules you are harrassing me it says its against the rules.

"Users shall not harass other users or collect or publish personal information about them." I suggest you reread them Now go away or I will get a mod to make you leave me alone

  • Where's the harassment? I'm trying to have a conversation/discussion with you about your actions on Lulz, on FurAffinity, and on here (in relation to the vandalization of my WikiFur article). I don't see the harm in trying to discuss that with you. Sage Freehaven 05:32, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

I have asked you to stop talking to me you blatantly refuse and rub freedom in my face.You are violating my rights.That is harassment you little piece of shit Mod time

  • I'm violating your rights by practicing my right to free speech on a publically viewable/editable website? Wow...that's an unusual interpretation of the law. Sage Freehaven 05:38, 21 September 2008 (UTC)