Smoky the Cowhorse

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Smoky the Cowhorse is a novel by Will James. It was first published in 1926 by Charles Scribner's Sons; the first Aladdin Paperbacks edition was published in 1987, the second, a paperback with a cover illustration by K. M. Freeman and with the ISBN 0689716826, in 1993.[1]

Smoky the Cowhorse is written in dialect. The first chapter, "A Range Colt", begins: "It seemed like Mother Nature was sure agreeable that day when the little black colt came to the range world and tried to get a footing with his long wobblety legs on the brown prairie sod."[2]


  1. James, Will. Smoky the Cowhorse. New York, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993.
  2. James, Will. Smoky the Cowhorse. New York, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993. p. 1.
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