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MUCK list

The list of MU*s from @action does not look legitimate to me, and the jokey tone of various other pieces in the same document does not reasure me. -- Sine 01:15, 1 May 2007 (UTC)

Note that this article was written tongue in cheek. Although at the time it was written, Mozdoc had been banned from at least SpinDizzy, Unbridled Desires, and Furry Muck, (due to a hostile obsession with two characters on these Mucks,) the reference to the @Action News Mozdoc Delights, Amuses Wizards With Inept Demandsahould be taken with a grain of salt as that article was written tongue in cheek. Although it well summarises the situation, not all the statements or opinions in this article or others are always based in fact.

As it says at the bottom of that page, "The things reported don't have to have actually happened, (any more than anything that happens here does,) but make sure you don't overstep the social boundaries and rules of interaction that we have." It is in that spirit that article was written. Mozdoc had become, for a small muck like SpinDizzy, a very large, very annoying problem and the writer had become fruistrated with his actions and responded, rather than with vitrol and disgust, with humor. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Argon Hamilton (talkcontribs) .

As a wizard on SpinDizzy, I'd like to make it clear that none of the wizards have encouraged or are involved with this particular effort to document Mozdoc's history. I'd also like to reiterate that the articles cited from in the newspaper should not be viewed as accurate reference information. Articles there are often humorous and stretch the truth to some extent. --Findra 04:42, 2 May 2007 (UTC)

I'm readding MUCKs I assume to be true given by statements here and references found. Spaz Kitty 13:09, 2 May 2007 (UTC)


Although there were personal attacks in it, I take to be an exclusion request. I'll perform it in 24 hours unless there are objections. It would not affect references to him on other pages where he is a legitimate mention. --Rat 07:33, 2 May 2007 (UTC)

which part would you be excluding? as the mozdoc page seems to have been created to remove the problems from other pages. i was planning on writing up a 'moz&furbid' chronicle for it as well.
--Ayukawataur : FurBid-SF Administaur 08:12, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
The Mozdoc page only, similar to, for example Alex Kitsune. Of course, if it's not the will of the community, I won't do it. --Rat 08:16, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
OK. So, here's the issue. There's this guy, and he is not a guy who appears to get on well with certain other people. He claims that this is an isolated case, but evidence suggests otherwise. There has indeed been legal action against him in the past, although it has lapsed. He was allegedly removed from Further Confusion 2007. Further Confusion has yet to confirm this officially and I suspect they will not do so, however we have no particular reason to doubt the claim.
Do we exclude? It seems like he's trouble, not just past trouble, and it's rather hard to decide just how much is idle posturing. Harassment is a crime when it is taken to extremes. I personally feel that his indiscriminate use of death threats (often coming quite out of the blue against third-parties) is something that really should continue to be noted somewhere as a caution to others. Realistically this article name is probably the place people will come looking. The attitude with which this "request" was made does not help. Does it need his real name? He's ghosted FC when he was banned, so it might be worth it for checking purposes. Thoughts? --GreenReaper(talk) 08:50, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
More "out of the blue" harassment: a comment on Mozdoc's FurAffinity page from slyfox819 on 4/27/07 said, "What the hell was up with that hateful instant message you just sent me? If that's how you treat people who want to be friendly with you then you're never going to have any friends." Spaz Kitty 13:05, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
i would rather not see it removed. i have been putting off writing up about him on ayukawataur, furbid-sf and it would also documenting on kaceys page as well, which would be almost a mirror of what would be on mine. what would go on furbid-sf would be similar, but there are other happenings which are not related directly to either of us. then one may have to consider the inclusion of information on goldfurs page, and each of the mucks that are able to be verified... and so on and so forth.
it would become a bookeeping nightmare that could be more easily covered on just his page. as is consistently stated. he did these things and wikifur is not about just showing the good side. it is about showing the what really happened. and i assume that means in an easy to read, easy to understand manner.
his name is not going to be hidden as long as the tro record exists, and as it is a matter of public record. there is no point in hiding it.
--Ayukawataur : FurBid-SF Administaur 10:01, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
Vote against exclusion. As for real name, like I said on Kacey Miyagami, no. He's a (verbal, at least) threat to people and shouldn't be allowed the privilege of being "hidden" from view. To use a common MUCK motto, ICA=ICC, buddy. You act a certain way over and over again, don't be surprised when you're forced to receive the less-than-fun consequences. Again, I reference Sibe - he wasn't granted exclusion, either. Spaz Kitty 13:00, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
I would vote against exclusion for the same reasons we did not honor the exclusions for Sibe and Bart Bervoets. As I said in the Sibe article discussion, "Just as a famous [or infamous] person or politician loses some rights to privacy in the general media by virtue of being famous, because the subject has affected many areas of furry fandom I think that the same applies."----DuncanDaHusky(talk) 13:03, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
I vote against exclusion too. It seems that the subject of the article has a consistent history of this sort of activity, and I'd rather not see it removed. --Douglas Muth 13:20, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
I vote against exclusion. When I created this page, it was as an attempt to siphon all the drama away from the other pages so we can do things like unlock Kacey. I'm sure she would like to resume updating her wiki. All relevant information instead of being spread out on various articles can be consolidated here, such as stuff about Furbid. I'd really like to hear how this all really began. Also as well, we keep other not so illustrious figures on this project, aka Sibe, to name the most apparent. All Mozdoc has done is work his way up to that level and he did it all by himself. He has threatened the lives of MULTIPLE people by now, not just Kacey.--Kendricks Redtail 19:25, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
i could write up how it all began. it will take a little while, but i do not mind much.--Ayukawataur : FurBid-SF Administaur 20:33, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
Please do. I think this way we can better understand why he is the way he is. I also wouldn't mind hearing his side of how it all started, but I don't think we can get a clear lower-case g-rated version from him that doesn't paint you two as the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet.--Kendricks Redtail 21:32, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
okay. like i say, it will take a bit to get to. and as most things i write here will probably be done in segments. i do not know if you can get anything from him. in all the years i have dealt with him, he has not been any different than you see here. he truthfully hates me and kacey, which is a bit beyond my ability to comprehend. he even blames me for his ban here, or so the communications i have received from him say. i do not know if he is capable of understanding cause/effect relationships.
--Ayukawataur : FurBid-SF Administaur 22:00, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
I can see that the community came out strongly against exclusion. I won't be doing it at this time. --Rat 10:13, 3 May 2007 (UTC)

You are SO full of shit. You miserable piece of shit mother fucking cunt sucker. You posted all of this shit and didn't think that I would notice? Oh you are sadly mother fucking mistaken you slut. I have read it and now that I have you've just made my fucking blood boil all over again with how you've meticulously detailed and documented every mother fucking thing that I've done wrong with you. How about we come to a fucking compromise here?

How about you destroy all that shit that you've bothered to remember, recall, save, catelog or post online, removing all of your shitty undeserved bans against me, allowing me back in onto Furbid since you don't have a god damn reason to keep me out other than the reason that you fucking hate me and own it and it gives you a hard on keeping someone like me out, and then, when all that shit is done, give me your phone number so that I can contact you when all else fails on IM's or some shit like that.

You just had to go and piss me off again didn't you? You could've kept your mother fucking mouth shut. You could've not even put that fucking shit in on Kacey's page, you know that you little cunt? You could've just shut that shithole in your mother fucking face and stop it from spewing shit all over the god damn place, and had that happened, I wouldn't be so pissed the fuck off at you right now and feeling my hands tense from wanting to punch that smug smile on your face clean off. You annoy me, you piss me off, and you can't take a fucking hint. REMOVE ALL THE FUCKING BANS and already we'd be on much better ground.

But NO. Your just like every other mother fucker in the god damn world. All that you can focus in on is right in front of your fucking face and all you see is me getting pissed off and yelling at you and that's all you ever fucking see. You don't bother to even fucking listen to the shit I'm saying and do as I ask, under the promise that once you do, THINGS WILL BE MUCH FUCKING BETTER!

I'm disgusted to even continue my existance as a 'taur player with your in the midst of it all. I'm disgusted and revolted at how much pull you have as a person over every fucking con, website, or little fucking thing that I try to call my own and have out at you in some fashion just so I can have the happiness of FUCKING YOU for once and getting away with it. You don't deserve Kacey, you don't deserve to own Furbid, you don't even deserve to fucking live. Your a god damn curse and all because of me posting some of your cunt sucking wifes work online you had to start all this shit. You could've just let it slide, you know that you little shit? Why don't you start letting it slide, remove your fucking bans, and how about removing all of your shit that you've posted online about me.

And then go fucking die.

How you mother fuckers like that? I better not hear any one of you people responding to this. I get the last fucking word in everything. I am determined to get my way and fuck you all until you leave me the fuck alone, let me be the outspoken person that I am, rant about what pisses me off the most, and not give a shit about it. Not a big fucking deal if you ask me, so fuck off and lock this forum so that no sacks of shit can post to it again. Especially you, Noriko.

--Mozdoc (added by 01:26, 20 May 2007 (UTC))

Mozdoc, I doubt you'll ever read this... but I'll give it a shot anyway.

I have yet to see anything that shows WHY you went off on a hell-raising spree, at least nothing definative. Granted, ayukawataur in particular tends to be an a** - but a relatively minor one compared to all the other crap going on both online & off.

You've built up quite a notorious reputation so far. Now that you have, you can make a choice - to continue using that rep as you have been, or to change focus and use it to try and change how things have become in the world. I know from experience what such a reputation can accomplish. Lol, the very upper class "snobs" in my area who used to delight in pushing people around and throwing their weight around now tend to, as the saying goes, "walk on eggshells" and think twice about acting like a**holes towards others, simply because they are AFRAID of how I might come down on them. Hell, even the police who would look the other way at their antics & law breaking are hesitant to cross paths with or run afoul of me.

In spite of the way it sounds, I don't want you to think I'm bragging - it's a hard road & a hard life. But with all the crap I've seen I just couldn't stand by and let it go on, I had to do something about the unequal treatment.

With that said.....

Will ye join me? or will ye stand against me? 02:37, 13 May 2008 (UTC)

Other controversy

Stuff to add to the article when I have more time (or if someone else wants to tackle it, go ahead): Mozdoc search on LJSeek. Spaz Kitty 13:43, 2 May 2007 (UTC)


as per kendricks redtail request for information on the experience.

i am going to use here to add items in first until they can be put in by those who are better at writing than i am.

* may 12, 2002 kacey and i were contacted by a fan, and a friend of jeremy, informing us that he was distributing her work, and was claiming he had permission to do so. he used various methods, including sending a zip file of all her taurs at the time over idahobobs taur list. previous that incident there were no watermarks on kaceys work.
* may 12 i attempted to contact jeremy via email to verify. i received no response over a period of five days. after which i removed all of kaceys work from online to update with visual scarring watermarks and replaced them.
* less than an hour later i was contacted by jeremy wanting to know why i had done such. after i explained to him his part in the choice, he started by telling me that i had no right to do such and demanded that i replace the images without watermarks. he further demanded that all images of kaceys to be listed in the future be free of any visual scarring so that he could download them and print them for himself, claiming her work was not worth what it was selling for. he further claimed that both kacey and i should be grateful for his actions as it would obviously make her more popular by getting her work into more hands. i of course declined.
* he immediately responded with methods you see as similar in his actions here.
* we decided to let him purchase one of her prints (stretching cheetah taur) off furbid. after he received it he contacted me claiming he now had another watermark free image and was going to copy it for distribution so that we could never sell another print like it as anyone who wanted it could get such for free. he was immediately blacklisted from future purchase.
* it was after he found he had been blacklisted that he went from being belligerent to full death threats. not only directly to us, but was threatening our lives to other people, which was forwarded to us on a daily basis.
* during all of this time i continually expressed a desire for him to clean up his language. the excessive use of profanity was making it complicated for me to understand him.
* i decided shortly after this happened that i was going to take two actions. the first was i wanted to know who he was. in depth. if he was making threats against our lives, we needed to know who he was. the second was i spoke with a couple of lawyers about the situation. we were advised to sue him for copyright infringement, criminal copyright infringement, file a restraining order, and involve federal authorities for the death threats.
* it took a while before we actually did something about it. during the interim time i learned about him. spoke with him many times. i also spoke with his birth father and his mother trying to find a solution that would not require doing something which would ruin his life. after a short period of time, on his mothers email account, the typing structure changed, which led me to contact her again directly. she explained to me she was no longer receiving email from me and feared jeremy was intercepting them. she also told me she feared the only way to handle the situation was to take him to court.
* as we saw a convention approaching rapidly, we decided that it was in our best interests to file for a restraining order. we took the time to warn jeremy of our intention, and explained to him what it would mean and how it would affect him. he responded with further threats and told us we would never be able to get one as we had no grounds to get one.
* in october of 2002 we filed for a restraining order in the los angeles superior court. an immediate effect 30 day order was put in effect until the actual hearing. after reading the logs of all communications the judge actually expressed fear for kacey. also, despite what jeremy claims, it was not i who filed the order. which anyone who reads it can see. i am named as a second party on the order. it was filed in kaceys name.
* in november of 2002 there was a hearing. jeremy failed to appear, which granted kacey a win by default.
* as jeremy enjoys pointing out, yes we did use the lawyer fees as a tax write off.
* after jeremy was served with the order he immediately contacted me, violating the order. which i ignored. in fact i ignored him, as per the terms of the order until i took over furbid.
* due to the terms of the order, jeremy was subsequently denied access to any convention kacey and i went to. this was because we needed to get business licenses to sell in areas which cons took place. this immediately made said locations officially places of business, which was also listed on the order as no contact. not all conventions were happy about this requirement. out of respect for the conventions themselves i do not wish to list them and what we went through with each. other than anthrocon.
* prior to ac'03 kacey and i were approached by dr. conway. he wanted to know how it was that someone could have an order against kacey, and what it was she did to make jeremy file against her. apparently jeremy was attempting to use a slightly doctored scan of the order claiming he had an order against us and was trying to get us banned from the con. as the law required we keep the order with us at all times, we provided dr. conway with a legal copy and jeremy was banned from anthrocon. the next month dr. conway sent me a notarized deposition of the experience.
* bit of humour - dr. conway stated his first thought was "kacey? what is she going to do? cute him to death?"
* each year, despite his being unable to register, jeremy did attempt to both attend and ghost at conventions we were present at. on one incident he was almost caught by the police for doing so. san jose incident case/report #05-013-0926. he managed to flee the con and spent the rest of the weekend in a hotel across the freeway.
* during all of this time he did make contact on various occasions which was ignored.
* later i will add furbid into the timeline. and if need be flesh some things out more.
--Ayukawataur : FurBid-SF Administaur 07:37, 3 May 2007 (UTC)

it really was not until around 2004 when things really began to be a problem. shortly after it was announced by jeff orr that i was taking on the job of furbid assistant admin. jeremy began again his harassment in full. this was expected by both myself and jeff, and we chose to ignore it. however, when i took over as admin, the entire situation changed drastically.

as jeremy had been still harassing through email, and other contact, it was suggested by our attorney to make a public announcement. this announcement explained that i was banning jeremy from use of the discussion board. at the time he was not being banned from the actual auction system. i will not publish exactly what was said, though it had to do with extremely (i imagine) painful sexual practices and how he intended to perform them on myself and kacey.
it was his immediate response which led to his ban from the auction server. this involved the creation of multiple accounts nd continual harassing contacts. an example of accounts created follow
Name: A B
Address: C
City: D
State: E
Zip: F
Country: United States
Phone: G
Signature: FurBid-SF sucks ass. Everyone should switch to FurBuy.
Where Did You Hear About Us?: Fucking Aukawa
this led to him being banned.
he also began to use the internal message server to send messages such as:
Tue, 7 Jun 2005 06:57:31 -0400 (EDT)
What the hell is wrong with this stupid excuse of FurBid? I tried to log in as mozdoc and it says my account is suspended for whatever reason, so I create a new one, and now its suspended too. Who the hell is doing the administrative stuff over there? Unsuspend my damn accounts. I've done nothing wrong and whatever stupid issues the administrator has with me, drop it. Me using FurBid doesn't put me into any contact with you, so unsuspend me and let me bid on auctions.
forgive me for choosing the softer ones. even though i keep everything, i prefer to not have so much vulgarity.
this continued for quite a while, which resulted in my locking his ip address, ip range, and eventually his isp. off and on he still manages to find a way on and gets locked when i catch it.
after this he began a long campaign to harass me via aim, yahoo, and livejournal. again, i blocked him from online messengers where he created new accounts, blocked, new, blocked, new, etc. he also started having his friends message me to ask, demand, threaten and so on and so forth.
he started taking images of my avatar and posting altered versions around the internet. this caused the loss of his livejournal, and later of his deviant art account - for images i linked to earlier on another thread.
as you may notice, this is a bit more scattered as it mostly becomes a blur. i kind of stopped keeping perfect records about a year ago. there was just too much happening on a daily basis that to record all of it in a fashion that is legible and post able would have required too much time.
there were numerous incidents which occurred at conventions. out of respect for the conventions themselves, i will not go into detail either.
the tro? it was a conscious decision on my and kaceys part to let it lapse. we could have easily had it reinstated for another three years, which we were advised to do by most persons we knew. however, we decided that he deserved the chance to prove he could behave in a mature manner. i informed fc of this in an email on 12-20-2005 and asked them to handle things how they felt fit. and since then i have left each convention to handle it their own way. which i should note, i have no complaints at all about their methods and decisions.
i really do not feel like writing more on this at the moment. i am quite tired of this whole situation and would like for it to be over. however, i can not allow him to have what he wants or i open the gates or others to do what he has done. --Ayukawataur : FurBid-SF Administaur 05:02, 5 May 2007 (UTC)

Removal of real name?

Exclusion is out. It's fairly clear that this sort of pattern over an extended period of time is notable enough to be recorded. However, I for one would like to see this series of events peter out rather than continue. It's been five years and I suspect both parties are kinda sick of it. I've read over the above, and it seems like a fairly meaningless feud at this point.

With this in mind, I propose that we keep this article (with all appropriate modifications based on the above) but remove Mozdoc's real-life name from it, on the condition that there be nothing that requires the real name to be used in the public interest going forwards. For the avoidance of doubt, "nothing that requires its use" would include things like the need to renew a non-contact order because unwanted contact and/or threats have continued, either offline or online. If there is further need to remove Mozdoc from conventions then this would also be cause for re-addition of the name.

The only thing that makes me willing to suggest this is that so far I've seen no evidence that he actually has the capability to make his threats a reality. To my knowledge, he has not been charged with a violent crime. There is a lot of posturing and a lot of bitterness there, and I would like to have a way to prevent those being expressed in the future. --GreenReaper(talk) 09:41, 3 May 2007 (UTC)

i really have no opinion on this one. after all, his name is on the restraining order, and on many of the pages which are referenced. so removal would be a pointless gesture.
it would definitely be nice to forget all of this. as i said before, i hold him no ill will. i am not capable of holding grudges. i never learned how. i will continue to document however. as it is history and others may learn from it to prevent from it being repeated.
--Ayukawataur : FurBid-SF Administaur 10:03, 3 May 2007 (UTC)
Speaking purely from a personal perspective, I would urge you to keep Mozdoc's real-life name in this particular page. After following many of the links provided to past and more recent behaviour, they show that Mozdoc has sent death threats to numerous different people. History has proven that such things should never be taken lightly. Having Mozdoc's real-life name on the page would be a useful time-saver for such victims if they wished to go down any legal avenues. --Findra 17:12, 3 May 2007 (UTC)
While it may be true, has it been shown that he's doing any of these recently? Frankly, the arguement that it is a time saver is null and void. In order to persue legal measures, one must feel that his threats would hold merit, meaning that they know who he is and that he has the ability to carry them out, so would be able to legitimately file a claim. Having the name here simply opens a route for harassment, be it due or undue, and is just fueling the fire. If he hasn't done anything in a while, which he hasn't, and if he continues to remain passive, I see no reason to keep the name here. Also, as you've said, if need be they can review the links if they so choose to dig deeper, as they are a matter of public record. The point remains that it is not necessary in the article. --Michichael 00:38, 12 May 2007
well, if you get technical, the moment he threatens another, and they have an actual fear, then by law his threats have merit. the law does not look at if they actually carried it out in that case. they look at intent. if a person is in legitimate fear, they have a right for the object of that fear to be stopped.
and, ummm. at the risk of sounding a bit repetitive. but he still harasses me at least twice a week minimum. he knows i can not just shut down my avenues of contact due to customer service issues. he also harasses me and my wife at conventions. and his threats remain constant against myself and others.
--Ayukawataur : FurBid-SF Administaur 19:52, 13 May 2007 (UTC)
Well, you still don't discount my point. This site is for information, not to play tit for tat on a feud between the parties. The real name is not NECESSARY to the merit of the article as it pertains to the fandom. A argument that it aids in legal action is irrelevant as past actions are part of public record, cited, and available on your own wiki. This really seems far too petty for a wiki. -- Michichael 14:18, 14 May 2007
please do me th courtesy of not thinking i have anything against him. because i do not have anything for him other than a very unhealthy dose of pity. for some reason i can not feel anything but such for him. and please do not accuse me of using this as a place to get back at him, because there is nothing to get back for.
i am constantly asked by people he threatens about him and what they can/should do. wiki is an information source and people come here for said information regarding jeremy. not for information about me. they deserve to have the same information to find out about him without the legal costs associated with it that i had to go through. because i did not go through it for myself. i did it so the community would have access to information with which to protect themselves from future instances.
and, as a note: here should be more than sufficient to explain his recent behavior.
--Ayukawataur : FurBid-SF Administaur 21:40, 14 May 2007 (UTC)
You still have yet to discount my point. If it is legal action they require, they can get it by contacting you directly, or by viewing the cited material. The direct posting of his name isn't necessary to the article, and has already been shown to cause anxiety to Mozdoc, which comes off as baiting, which has been pointed out elsewhere in this article. This is a private issue between you and Mozdoc, and it really does seem that you have something personal against him. Granted, I'm not defending his actions. I've told him numerous times that he needs to grow up with some of his comments, and would be happy to be a moderator if you two decided to attempt a discussion online. It seems to be that Mozdoc is trying to get back at you for perceived injustices, such as what's posted on this Wiki with his name, and you are continuing to try to goad him.
It is all well and good to document and keep track for legal purposes, which are cited and referenced within the article, however, the inclusion of his RL name within the article seems irrelevant and really comes off as a personal touch of arrogance and "so there" attitude. I fail to see how the rest of the community cares what his real life name is, and if they do feel threatened by him, how having it here helps, over a freely available source elsewhere, through either you or the referenced sources. It's not necessary to the article, and your link to the talk page looks to me like, cleaning up his language, a request to remove it. So obviously you hit a nerve, and are milking it for what it's worth. This is a childish dispute, and really needs to end. Both of you. I'm not going to place blame on either side. I really could care less, but since seeing it, it does come off as an attempt to goad him. Further, I understand his concern about having his real name out there. I personally don't like having my real name available to people either, specifically due to harassment reasons. - Michichael 21:03 PST 15, May 2007
Mozdoc has threatened to kill Ayukawataur at Further Confusion next year. Not only would I advise someone letting the FC staff know about these repeated threats (and Ayukawa as well), I once again reemphasize my opposition to removing his name. If he ever followed through on any of his threats, would you still support having his name excluded from the article? Because I'm not willing to take such a gamble in what seems to be a mentally less than stable person. Spaz Kitty 17:26, 16 May 2007 (UTC)
I agree with Spaz Kitty that Mozdoc's real name should remain, for the reasons stated above.----DuncanDaHusky(talk) 18:17, 16 May 2007 (UTC)
I agree that Moz is truly a "Special Child", but we shouldn't allow a doublestandard to be created, see: Lance Rund's article, which was removed at his request, yet we still leave up articles about Moz and Sibe. If I have heard correctly, Sibe had also asked to not be listed. --Anonymous /b/ User —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) .
There is a single standard, and always has been: The consensus of WikiFur contributors. What you are seeing is that people may come to a different consensus in different situations, just like in real life.
Exclusion is a privilege, not a right. It has, however, historically been granted by default - that is, people have to give reasons why it should not be granted. This is because in most cases there are no such reasons. However, there have been several cases in which reasons were presented, and were felt by the community to be sufficient to deny the request for exclusion, and in some cases even a request to remove a real name. While it's hard to set a precise bound on these reasons, they have generally been along the lines of some kind of illegal action, the cause of controversy, and usually concern a recent or ongoing situation rather than a historical one.
People often consider there to be a public interest which is served by having the article concerned up, too. For example, if an artist has been failing to do commissions, it might be considered wise to have an article about them which notes this, even if they do not want us to. It this case, the person concerned does not wish us to take note of his continued attempts to force members of the fandom to do his bidding by threats of bodily violence. I am not unappreciative of the view that there could be baiting on the other side, but as a practical matter, Mozdoc considers everyone who disagrees with him to be his enemy, and the mere fact that he has been denied access to FurBid as an aggressive act which must be remedied . . . "or else". He is not likely to be satisfied with anything but complete capitulation and removal of all contrary views, and I think the community has made it plain that this is not going to happen. No person's actions are above commentary by their peers except at the pleasure of those same peers, and it does not please us when a person keeps on threatening others with death when they've been told not to.
The situation of Lance Rund is somewhat different. He was excluded without fuss (as there was no such public interest in the material on the page about him), but also wished an item of information about himself to be removed from another article. This was the first time this had come up and there was extended debate, the result of which was "it's generally OK to do that as long as it didn't matter exactly who the actor was". That is, his specific identity was tangential to the matter of fact. When you're talking about personal behaviour, that's obviously not the case - you can't just say "a popular artist" isn't doing their commissions. --GreenReaper(talk) 20:22, 20 May 2007 (UTC)
I forgot to post here, but I agree as well. Insomuch that I am no longer going to attempt to defend his actions. (Read his talk page...) - Michichael 01:19 PST 20, May 2007

Considering the long discussion and apparent consensus on leaving in Mozdoc's real-life name on this article, I was very surprised to see that Rat had removed this from the main page. This is apparently not in accord with the 'will of the fandom'. I would like to propose that this change be reverted, unless Rat would like to justify this undiscussed change. --Findra 15:49, 23 August 2007 (UTC)

The general impression I got was that while users were willing to remove it(admittedly with a few exceptions), there wasn't anyone willing to just go ahead and do it. If I've misjudged, I won't enforce removal if it's against the will of the community. --Rat 16:32, 23 August 2007 (UTC)
Thanks for the response, Rat. My admittedly brief refresh on this thread suggested that Ayukawataur, Spaz Kitty, DuncanDaHusky, and I seemed to be in strongly in favour of keeping the name, but looking back more carefully I see that Ayukawataur was offering no strong opinion either way. Only Michichael seemed to be strongly against it, although his most recent post (09:19 PST 20, May 2007) seems to suggest that he might have altered that position. Hence, I still feel that there is a consensus to have the name left in the article. GreenReaper's post seems to back up this position, I'd suggest. --Findra 18:24, 23 August 2007 (UTC)

FC Removal

I can attest to Moz getting booted from FC2007 for taking at least one picture of something on Kacey's table. I was there when it happened. (Both the picture taking and getting booted part.) -Ruddertail —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) 06:55, 15 May 2007 (UTC) (from User talk:Mozdoc)

Yup, that information I can confirm as well. Although he was removed from the hotel completly for being in function space without a badge, as it had been pulled earlier. Not for repeted harassment. I ended up having to help him find a room elsewhere because of all this cuntwafflery. and in my hunble opinion on this matter, both sides are equally esculating the situation. Moz can't leave well enough alone, and the other side has been known to bait him for a response as well. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) 07:00 to 07:02, 15 May 2007 (UTC) (from User talk:Mozdoc)
I can't see any baiting here. All I see is one individual being completely unreasonable and unhelpful, and disregarding anything anyone else says. --IanKeith 18:03, 15 May 2007 (UTC) (from User talk:Mozdoc)
I don't know if baiting is the word, but there is definitely a doublestandard going on here, I observed all the assclownery that went on at FC; They were supposedly told to avoid each other, and Moz was the only one being held to that rule. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) 05:17, 20 May 2007 (UTC)

FurAffinity Documentation

I would like to note that I have added a screenshot of Mozdoc's "Hate Manifesto" from his FurAffinity user page. We may be deleting all of the content in his account soon, but thought it prudent and wise to document his words here. --blueroo

Army Reserve

The article asserts that Mozdoc was a member of the US Army Reserve. Mozdoc, on the other hand, asserts that he was "never in the fucking military". The direct source for the assertion has been removed, as has the Wayback machine's cache. However, it is still present in Google's cache as of this date.

While I do not particularly appreciate being lied to, I think it is fair to ask what grounds we have for keeping this seven-year-old piece of information in the article. It is not a crime to be a member of the reservists, and it seems like it is a legitimate item of personal information without particular relevance to his actions within the fandom that would require a specific reason not to be removed on request. --GreenReaper(talk) 06:02, 22 May 2007 (UTC)

i have no problems with it being removed. i did not place it there, only corrected it.
the fact of it being a consideration during the issuance of the tro is probably trivial as well.
--Ayukawataur : FurBid-SF Administaur 07:20, 22 May 2007 (UTC)
While the post describing him joining the reserves itself is no longer online, a followup is, describing his getting processed in. I think that the big question is how do we handle a situation where someone is actively trying to destroy evidence of past events? 14:33, 21 June 2007 (UTC)

Why's it of any concern to you whether he erases his past or not? I'd say just shut the fuck up and let him handle his own problems and keep your own nose out of all of this entirely. Everybody needs to just shut up and perhaps listen to Mozdoc for once. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talkcontribs) .

The above message was posted through a proxy. --GreenReaper(talk) 05:37, 24 August 2007 (UTC)


Mozdoc was banned from the Multifurry mailing list after being warned by STrRedWolf, the list holder, not to dredge up any private converation and not to contact STrRedWolf again.

Okay, enough third-person talk. Yes, I banned him from the Yahoo! Groups Multifurry list. He was warned once to don't dredge things up in the list. He continued to do so. He says he's changed, but he's said that before to me over IM. But he won't listen. It's sad, an intresting character but a terrible player. STrRedWolf 17:46, 21 August 2007 (UTC)

While Mozdoc may claim to have changed if he has he is still doing a remarkably good impressions of a creepy stalker type by trying to pester other people about their contact with STrRedWolf, presumably to try and get them to relay stuff for him (I can't say for certain as I ignored his attempt to contact me). its things like this that make me wish for a Cluebat Over IP protocol {sighs}. Kirishala

Problems with referencing

  • Some things are cited to which has been admitted to be tounge-in-cheek style.[1] My understanding is that is okay as a reference, but is not.
  • One reference is cited to but the link doesn't go anywhere. Putting aside whether we should use WikiFur itself as a reference, the link should be to a specific diff.
  • Not a good reference "It is generally believed that these allegations are true." By who?

--Rat 05:46, 13 September 2007 (UTC)

  • Agree, though it might be worth keeping it around as an example of the reaction.
  • We should use WikiFur as a reference for actions taken on WikiFur.
  • By me, if you want a specific example. By others, too. Can it be proved? Not officially without AAE saying so, and they've said explicitly that they won't. Is it, in all likelihood, true? Yes. --GreenReaper(talk) 06:23, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
  • Tried to clarify the source of the information between the two articles. Based on further looking, I don't think there's a difference between the domains and, just that specific articles may or may not be written in a humourous style.
  • Agree, WikiFur can be a source for things that happen on WikiFur. I found the specific diff that seems to be the source. I'm not sure whether it's a particularly good source, since the account has no other edits.
  • True, proof is difficult and can be a lot to expect. Even a link to a blog or forum post could be enough to let readers evaluate the sources on their own.
I made some edits based on these points. If there are any mistakes I am happy to correct them. --Rat 07:41, 13 September 2007 (UTC)
I have some comments on the SpinDizzy News article cited here. I am the server wizard for SpinDizzy, and held the same post back in 2000 when the events mentioned took place (not hard to check if you want to). I'm not sure if I may use my own knowledge as a reference for Wikifur, but here is my analysis of the factual accuracy of the SpinDizzy News article.
  • The majorty of the statements of fact (as opposed to opinions) in the article are accurate. I did, indeed receive numerous emails from Mozdoc of the form indicated in the first paragraph, over a long period of time following his first and subsequent bans.
  • The second and third paragraphs about his hacking attempt on Argon's account, and his defence, is factually accurate. I was the wizard who searched through the connection logs at the time, and was present when he was confronted with the results.
  • The fourth paragraph is accurate (to the best of my recollection wrt the connection count). Once we noticed the 'Myana' character using an IP address known to have been used by Mozdoc, it quickly became obvious it was being used by the same person, since when the character was blocked and ask to contact a wizard, there resulted another email from Mozdoc full of expletives demanding to know how we knew it was his alt.
  • The list of mucks from which Mozdoc had been banned was purely for comic effect, obviously.
  • The sixth paragraph is factually accurate about the onslaught of e-mails. The rest of the article is a mix of fact and opinion that probably doesn't have any relevence to the Mozdoc page on Wikifur.
In summary, it would be safe from an accuracy point of view to use the facts detailed above. Whether their use would also be in accord with Wikifur's policies for verifiability, I do not know. Fortunately, there are people in this thread much more well versed in that than I! I hope that this has helped clear up the confusion over the accuracy and satirical content of the SpinDizzy News article. --Findra 19:08, 13 September 2007 (UTC)

Thank you for the edit to the main page, Rat. I've edited it to remove some redundancy, and removed some ambiguities that were in there. I think it flows better now, but please feel free to change it further if you wish. --Findra 23:38, 13 September 2007 (UTC)

analysis of mozdoc at fc'08

obviously i am putting this here because i do not wish to edit the main page. i feel that anything i say there will be biased in one form or another.

i had the honour of working with mozdoc during fc'08. though i can not speak officially for aae, i can give you my personal opinion.
this year, he was not only an excellent gofer, but he was quite well restrained. he did what he could to avoid me, but since he was technically working under me for a while, there was no way he could. even then, until i approached him, he maintained as much distance as he could while still completing his job.
when i approached him, he did seem uncomfortable, and requested the same things he always does, but he was mostly polite about it. almost as if he was unsure of if it was okay to ask.
he did spend some time browsing kaceys table. he did not purchase any thing, and when she asked him if she could help him, he only replied a soft and sheepish 'no' and moved on.
i would like to stress, i am not ready to give him an open book and start over, but i am willing to admit he was an excellent worker who was able to quite methodically reorganize the constore materials so that constore staff could better do their job, he makes an excellent (how ever abrasive) door guard, and i am told by friends who work in the art show that he did an excellent job there as well.
i do not know if my attempt to breech the gap this year will help or hurt yet. though i would like it to be added to his page that he did behave himself quite well. it is only fair that we try to remain objective and point out that he is capable of behaving himself.
--Ayukawataur : FurBid-SF Administaur 22:04, 30 January 2008 (UTC)

This is getting annoying. Spaz Kitty 08:21, 26 March 2008 (UTC)

A non-admin on IRC gave him the impression that he could edit this page to his liking without knowing the background of the case. He should have known better but I'm responsible for not seeing that there was a problem and joining the conversation earlier. --GreenReaper(talk) 08:51, 26 March 2008 (UTC)

Exclusion redux


How much more simple is it to understand? The reason that I continue to be pissed the fuck off at you little pinheaded little shit for brains administrators is that you just blatently refuse to see things my way and that the way I want things to happen will make life a whole lot easier for the rest of you if you just do as I ask and get it over and done with.

I have no fucking idea how my damn name ended up here in this hellish pile of shit called WikiFur, but I will see to it that it will be removed. It shouldn't take every single mother fucking one of you to agree that my article should be removed because it sure as fuck didn't take every single one of you to get my name on here. I demand EXCLUSION.


HELLLLLLOOOOOOO? I'm waiting for someone to get here and fucking talk to me since this place has been brought up again and its pissing me off all over again. Someone answer me and get my fucking name removed from here.


You know, there should be a hundred mother fuckers out there that have decided to watch this page for whatever fucking reason. Why am I not getting any responses at all from anybody? This is complete utter bullshit. Someone better fucking answer so that I can get my name off this "community".


Where are all the fucking people? God damn it already, someone fucking answer me and get my god damn name off of this piece of shit website already. I DO NOT want to be documented on any level at all and you will respect this wish to have me be excluded PERMANENTLY.


Admins aren't on the place 24/7. And you'll get further in life if you learn how to say 'please' and 'thank you'. You've trolled me enough that I'm certainly not going to support any of your calls for exclusion, so you can take this up with someone else now and stop badgering me for the exclusion that I'm not going to grant you myself. Talk to GreenReaper, and try to not go the loud and rude route, and maybe you'll get some actual progress as a result. Spaz Kitty 05:16, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
He came to me first. The above is the result of what happened when I asked him to explain here why he should now be excluded. --GreenReaper(talk) 06:23, 12 May 2008 (UTC)
Just for the record, "I should be excluded because I want to be", in such extreme cases as this, is not an adequate reason for such. Especially with the way this user has handled it. Spaz Kitty 06:53, 12 May 2008 (UTC)

Actually S.K., it seems that far too often in this day and age, being nice gets you nowhere. :( That's not to say that it shouldn't be tried, just after the first - or second - time(max) of being polite about it, one should be ready to drop the hammer.

a lot of people only seem to get the point when you slam them into the wall a few times. Being polite about it only gets a rousing "f*** you!" as a response. where the h*** did this country go wrong???

AnthroSamurai 06:07, 13 May 2008 (UTC)

When will you people fucking realize that your pathetic piece of shit bans don't do a fucking thing beside piss me off worse than I already was before? You sound like you're the assholes that need to grow the fuck up. I DEMAND RESULTS, I DO NOT WANT TO BE FUCKING BANNED.


Mozdoc's love notes via IM

I logged into IM tonight and found that Mozdoc had sent offline messages to me on two different IM services. I am documenting them here.

First, via Yahoo IM:


8:48:24 PM
8:48:35 PM
8:48:47 PM

9:28:38 PM
Answer me.

9:31:31 PM

Charming. And via MSN about an hour later, while I was still offline:

10:22:00 PM


I had to slightly massage the formatting on these, because my client (Adium) saves logs in HTML format. If anyone wants the raw logs, I have them up at

--Douglas Muth 02:54, 16 May 2008 (UTC)

After several rounds of blocking Mozdoc and having him bother me under different screen names, I was finally treated to this. And yes, he really did type in all caps.


12:36:46 AM
12:37:12 AM
12:37:24 AM
12:37:43 AM
12:38:23 AM
12:38:43 AM

Hmm... comments about how he's going to find me, and taking "a fucking shotgun" to my head... I'd say that's a death threat, or pretty close to one. --Douglas Muth 04:44, 16 May 2008 (UTC)

He's been stalking the Fur Affinity staff and admins for the past week, going to anybody and everybody related to the site after he was perma-banned, making the same kind of threats. He used over a dozen IM clients to message and my admins, refusing to accept "no" as an answer and becoming increasingly hostile. --Preyfar 10:10, 19 May 2008 (UTC)
See thread:

DAMNIT MOZDOC, COOL YOUR JETS!!!!! The only thing your tactics will accomplish in this is EXACTLY what I outlined! Now calm the hell dowm before I get pissed! (And trust me, you are NOTHING compared to what I'M like when I get pissed!)

All hail VLADUZ - the EBAY IMPALER! 01:41, 18 May 2008 (UTC)