Something Awful

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Something Awful is an internet humor community owned and operated by Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka. Among its users are stereotypical forum members with a slightly higher sense of collective intelligence and pretentiousness than the average forum grouping. (For example, "GameFaqs.") It ranges from adults to teens, talented artists to talented writers, and also very avid gamers. However, among these users also lurks a minority dark-side which has gotten the website its reputation in the furry fandom. Constant harassment and ridicule toward the furry community, including trolling-- sometimes organized-- and harassment toward users themselves in places such as LiveJournal, messageboards, and various furry websites, including Wikifur itself, which was vandalized on various pages with defamation toward the furry fandom or repeitions of the phrase "SOMETHING AWFUL DOT COM." While the administrators of the SA forums do not condone the actions taken-- and do take action to remove these troublemakers from their ranks when they deem necessary-- many Goons take it upon themselves to invade websites, forums and LiveJournals when they are linked on or off the forums. (Examples of off-forums organized invasions includes the now defunct SALJ.) There are three instances where Goons "infiltrated" a furry convention.

To many on the Something Awful forums now, however, furries are considered "old meme." But there are still members who continue to "hop on the bandwagon" and attack the fandom.

Involvement with Furries


Texas Furry Con 2004

A newer SA forum user started a post detailing her first visit to a furry convention then decided it wasn't for her. He left a picture of a detailed pineapple hand-grenade which stated, "We're watching you."

Later, user Vorpal Bunny, a resident of Texas, decided to pay the convention a visit, wearing a shirt that said "L33T LIEK JEFFK" and had a URL to the website. After being tipped off by furry and SA goon Labinnah, the con staff proceeded to catch and detain Vorpal Bunny and his pack of friends, forcing them to stay until they signed a form which stated they would not release anything to the Internet. This, of course, didn't happen.

Feral! 2004

A forum user posted about his "ninja infiltration" to a furry convention out in the woods. Sneaking around the camp area, he placed numerous paper flags with the Something Awful logo on various cars. In the thread he posted, he was ridiculed by the SA Goons for supposedly "having no life."

Anthrocon 2005

A furry goon named Mix decided to bring an old 1960's-style video camera with him and wore a t-shirt with his fursona on the front-- a hyenataur-- and on the back a large version of the Something Awful logo. He was pulled aside by Uncle Kage and told not to wear his t-shirt around the area.



SALJ, or "Something Awful LiveJournal", was a LiveJournal community which trolled pretty much all of LiveJournal. From autoerotic asphyxiation communities to zoophile communities, they attacked them all. While not the main focus, one thing they did attack were other furry communities.


In late 2004, when the SALJ LiveJournal community was still around, many users of the community congregated in an IRC channel. They organized an attack on a channel on FurNet called #dragon_yiff. What happened was enormous amounts of spam with constant barrages of various catchphrases from the Something Awful forums, such as the ever infamous "SOMETHING AWFUL DOT COM." The users, however, when everything calmed down, blamed it on Sibe.

Awful Link of the Day

Something Awful has a feature on their front page called The Awful Link of the Day. The websites featured range between horrendously created Tripod websites or the most bizarre of the bizarre forums on the Internet, and sometimes a random furry fetish artist's website or community, such as vore or babyfur, will pop up as the target.

Furry involvement with Something Awful

The "Furry Concentration Camp"

In January 2003, JJcoolJ, a now ex-forum member and somewhat excommunicated from the furry community, organized users from the now defunct #safurs channel on FurNet to spam an internal forum called "FYAD," or "Fuck You and Die" with furry porn. Lowtax, after getting rather annoyed with having a forum made for spam filled with even more horrendous furry spam, created the Furry Concentration Camp, a subforum which acted much like "FYAD," but disconnected furries from the main forum. The plan was to make the furry goons realize they should keep quiet. However, after a few months, the furry goons took the forum for themselves and turned it into their own "Furry FYAD." To save CPU cycles, and with the realization that the experiment failed, Lowtax deleted the forum.

Furry "Goons"

A "furry goon" is someone who may or may not be accepted on the SA forums while also knowingly being a member of the furry community. Some of these users are: