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Amadeus in the real world

Amadeus, by Mr. F.

Amadeus (born March 6th, 1984) has been a full-fledged member of the furry fandom since 2003. However, his interest in anthropomorphics - transformation in particular - goes back as far as he can remember. He has a passion for music, as well as for writing fiction and poetry. Currently, Amadeus is studying to be a high school English teacher. He is also a part of the multimedia production company Umgotts Studios along with close friend S. Gatsby. He appears in the mockumentary OMGWTF! Furries (for which he also composed the music), as well as in the upcoming OMGWTF! Furries II and The Red Raven Legends. In addition, Amadeus is writing for Nature of the Beast, a webcomic illustrated by furry artist Lunamor. Although he plays a variety of violent, deranged, and misanthropic characters in the films, Amadeus is known to his friends as a warm-hearted, gentle individual.

Amadeus, the character

Amadeus, by Dani-kitty

Amadeus is a werewolf, having been transformed by a bite from a lycanthrope sorceress who planned on adding him to her vicious werewolf army. However, magical protection from the mysterious amulet he was wearing allowed him to retain his free will. Dismissed by the sorceress as a failure, he was to be executed but escaped into the forest and became one of its many mystical denizens. Amadeus' fierce but cheery disposition earned him the whimsical nickname, "'Deus the friendly werewolf". He aspires to be friend to both man and beast. Amadeus has never huffed, nor puffed, nor blown anyone's house down, nor does he enjoy eating people's grandmothers. He does, however, have a thing for girls in red riding capes carrying picnic baskets.

Amadeus in the Media

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