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Pyrone is a simple, pure-blooded, red dragon. Standing at a proud height of ~9ft, accompanied by a ~6ft wingspan and a ~7ft tail. He stands on his hinds (anthro) and is generally a very playfull member of the draconic community.

His 'user' as it were, is himself, he is an Otherkin. Pyrone IS the 'user', and vice versa. He appeared in the community in 2002, on the popular chat site YiffChat (Not for purposes as seemed). After spending two years as a furry, he soon discovered his dear Friends Mayu and Silvermoon, and they showed him his true, otherkin self. He now spends a moderate life, just generally relaxing and trying to live the best he can!

He can be found on a range of sites, and games, including Second Life

Pyrone's Badge, Art done by Sangluna