Michael Bard

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Michael W. Bard is a transformation/furry author and co-editor of the furry e-zine Anthro as well as the now defunct transformation e-zine TSAT. His character sometimes takes a centaur form, though he is known to travel in other forms as well.

Bard's interests include hard science fiction such as John Varley or Robert Heinlein, and his work in turn tends to focus on heavily scientific themes. His writing is also influenced by humorous sci-fi such as Larry Niven's work.

A common theme of Bard's transformation stories is characters who quickly try to accept and deal with the situation of becoming another creature instead of staying in a state of denial, but not going as far as to eschew their former activities or responsibilities, either. For instance, the main character in the story ""A Diary of a Centaur in a Human's World" wakes up one morning to find himself changed into a centaur. After some initial adjustment difficulties, the character makes his way to work, not about to let a thing like turning into a centaur keep him from his job.

This pragmatism is used in Bard's stories either seriously or humorously given the situation, and sometimes, both at once. In "A Diary," the protagonist gets into an argument with the ticket taker at a subway station over his entering the train. The main character makes the reasonable argument that he needs to use the train to get to work on time while the ticket taker makes the equally reasonable counterargument that it would be ludicrous to allow a centaur on the train.

Bard's work frequently deals with the city of Toronto and his affinity for it, and he sometimes playfully refers to Americans as "Rebel Scum," a reference to a line from the movie Return of the Jedi.

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