Midnight Fury

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Midnight Fury is a female anthro artist from South Mississippi. Her real name is Rachel Lein, and she usually signs her name as R.Lein on her art. She's known for brightly colored furry art that has a bit of an "anime" spin to it. Her favorite subjects are equines and felines.

Her fursona is a squirrel/cat hybrid called Fury, sometimes referred to as β€œThe Original Squitty.” Fury's own personality is a rather accurate depiction of Rachel's true personality. While usually good natured and cooperative and always ready to have some fun, she has no problem showing her claws if she has to. She is strong willed and incredibly stubborn, but values honesty and politeness.

On 1 November 2002, Midnight Fury got married to a furry sometimes known as Happenstance around the furry community. His presence is not nearly so apparent as her own, even though she mentions him rather frequently. They live in Columbia, Mississippi with their many beloved pets on a 5+ acre farm.

Fury's favorite hang out spots on the internet include Deviant Art, Fur Affinity, Live Journal, and Furtopia. However, her presence in furry communities is basically a minimum. She rarely strays from the aforementioned websites. She does not readily trust new people she meets because she's suffered betrayals by some she allowed into her private life without knowing them very well first. This has made her seem rather stand-offish in nature.

Among Fury's interests are: Collecting My Little Ponies (which she does rarely anymore) and other 80's toys, drawing, writing, and crocheting.

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