Evil Sibe

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Sibe (or Ross Reddick, evilsibe) is a member of the furry community who has participated in various newsgroups and multiplayer worlds. He gained widespread infamy in the furry fandom through illegally distributing the copyrighted works of several furry artists throughout 2001, and has cemented his reputation with subsequent actions.

Sibe has the rather unique honour of having been banned by at least three major conventions - including at least ConFurence and Further Confusion (not Anthrocon) - since 2002. This did not apparently prevent him from attending and allegedly "causing problems" at Further Confusion and other conventions. As staff typically do not announce who has been banned or ejected, he may have been asked not to attend or forced to leave other conventions that are not recorded here. He was legally present at ConiFur 2004.

Sibe has also been toaded from Tapestries MUCK on numerous occasions, initially due to harassment and advertisement of his pirate CDs, later compounded by organizing a DDoS on the MUCK server. According to WhiteWizard:

Nobody comes close to Sibe [on toading]. Sibe is how we find out about all the new free-mail sites.

West Corner of the Park has depicted Sibe as a giant slug, although this includes an element of artistic license. His chosen avatar is (and always has been) that of a breed of dog, the Siberian Husky, from which he derived his name.


  • 3 October 2001: Sibe's disagreements with Killen allegedly resulted in the flooding of #northUKfurs on Yiffnet by Sibe's associates. Sibe has stated that although he has attacked other IRC channels in the past, he did not attack this one. Some instances of IRC downtime have been misattributed to Sibe in the past, for example an attack on #dragonyiff on FurNet that was led by Something Awful goons.
  • 9 November 2001: Nexxus temporarily closed FurNation, allegedly as the result of Sibe's pirating actions (which may have been based on FurNation archives). These were centered around #yiffnetbeats on Yiffnet, where Sibe and others offered files for download. The channel was initially designed to be a MP3 distribution channel. Ironically, Nexxus' post about the channel caused a spike in traffic, with over 50 users in one night and 5GB distributed in 8 hours by one serving user.
  • 20 March 2002: After disagreements and a fight, Sibe forcibly took a the car of a person named Brian Floyd (unaffiliated with the furry fandom) with whom he was staying, and made them give him access to their PIN number. Having taken $500 from their account, he drove to Camas, Washington, where he was arrested for the theft of the automobile (among other charges). He spent the night in jail, and was later convicted of coercion and sentenced to 36 months probation with several conditions.
  • 18 July 2005: Sibe (as evilsibe) was permanently banned from LiveJournal.com for copyright violations. He has since moved to GreatestJournal.com, where his tagline is sibeing the fandom one wag at a time.

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