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Revision as of 03:41, 9 February 2022 by GreenReaper (Talk | contribs)

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This page is an official policy on WikiFur. This policy serves as a place to record previous consensus actions, and should be followed except when consensus dictates otherwise. Significant changes to this policy should first be proposed on the discussion page.

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Wikipedia and Wikia/Fandom

As of February 2022, despite a 2016 consultation on upgrading, Wikipedia and Wikia/Fandom remain on CC-BY-SA 3.0, which cannot import CC-BY-SA 4.0. This means you cannot simply copy WikiFur article text to Wikipedia or Wikia/Fandom. Page revisions prior to 29 November 2013‎ were submitted as CC-BY-SA 3.0 and may be used under it; you should note this in edit summaries, as it may be detected as a potential copyright violation. Editors are likely to be willing to license subsequent contributions, but you must obtain their permission.

WikiFur News

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Main article: WikiFur:Image use policy

Images and other uploads may be submitted under some version of CC-BY-SA, another free license, or as fair use, but please be careful about the last one as it is open to interpretation. If in doubt, contact a curator.

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Misuse of copyrighted work

WikiFur does not support copyright infringement, though as noted above we do permit fair use. If you find your work is here without your permission, please contact the WikiFur curators.

See also