Furry United (social network)

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FurryUnited was a furry social networking community originally created by Fuzzy sometime in 2006 using the domain http://furryunited.org. About a year later the original social network was closed to re-assess its purpose and place within the furry community but the domain and project name FurryUnited remained reserved by Fuzzy.

At the point of FurryUnited's initial closing Zenon Tigerpaw (an administration staff member) took it upon himself to reopen the community as the Ning network "Furry United" (http://furryunited.ning.com/). Fuzzy encouraged this action as a temporary resolution to retain the networks accumulated membership base, but also announced that there were still plans for FurryUnited to be reborn under another name, MyFur Network.

On April 16, 2010, Ning announced that they would shut down their free services. Zenon announced plans to move the service to a new host as soon as possible, ultimately recommending MyFur Network or Furry 4 Life as an alternative social network for its membership base instead. The site was closed on October 21, 2010.