User:EarthFurst/2019 works

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Anthropomorphic works first published during 2019.

"{NOT in UMA 2019 list}" means not included in Ursa Major Awards 2019 Recommended Anthropomorphics List. UMA 2019 list closed (to new additions) "January 15, 2020".

The priority of this list (until after Ursa nominations close at the end of February 15) is to focus on listing works that haven't made it into UMA's 2019 list.

(2021 September: synched with Ursa's categories (kinda with "Short work or series") and category descriptions)

Anthropomorphic motion picture

[Live-action or animated feature-length movies.]

(Short work or series)

(Ursa lumped these 2 categories together for 2019, let's see if we can keep them separate.)

Anthropomorphic dramatic short work

[one-shots, advertisements or short videos. Also specific episodes of series.]

  • More than 100 Kemono Mascots Participated in, "StarMan!!" -Amatsuki- /JMoF Movie (Studio 643; YouTube vid; January 13) (more than 100 fursuiters) {NOT in UMA 2019 list}

Anthropomorphic dramatic series

[Video series]

  • DuckTales (2017 reboot) (Directed by Tanner Johnson, Jason Zurek, Matthew Humphreys and Jason Reicher; Episodes 30 to 47, March 9 to Sept 12) {NOT in UMA 2019 list}
  • Rilakkuma and Kaoru (Wikipedia)
  • SALLY (YouTube) (Directed by Chantelle Woods-Dean; Season 1, February 22)(with various fursuiters and crew) {NOT in UMA 2019 list}
  • Sheriff Hayseed in: Boomerang in a Gun Fight! (YouTube)(IMDb)( (creator/storyboard/animation by Mike "Piemations" Pitts; co-written by Mike Pitts, Damien Lee, Blake "ShadyVox" Swift, and Benjamin "DoubleAAntics" Kahan; original score and audio design by ShadyVox; voice of Todd Hayseed by Eloediel; voices of Shawn Burrowitz and Lloyd by ShadyVox; voice of Mayor Joy by Anna Chloe Moorey; plus other credits, December 21)(Patreon supported) {NOT in UMA 2019 list}
  • Tuca & Bertie, on Netflix (Created by Lisa Hanawalt; Season 1 episode 1-10, May 3) {NOT in UMA 2019 list}

Anthropomorphic novel

[Written works of 40,000 words or more. Serialized novels qualify only for the year that the final chapter is published.]

Anthropomorphic short fiction

[Stories less than 40,000 words, poetry and other short written works.]

Anthropomorphic other literary work

[Story collections, comic collections, graphic novels, and convention program books.] (calendars in Ursa lists of 2012, 2013, and 2017 in "Other literary work" category.)

  • #FursuitFriday 2020 Charity Calendar, by various (ArtworkTee, calendar, shipped August) {NOT in UMA 2019 list}

Anthropomorphic non-fiction work

Anthropomorphic graphic story

[Includes comic books and serialized online stories.]

Anthropomorphic comic strip

[For newspaper-style strips, including those with ongoing arcs.]

Anthropomorphic magazine

[Edited collections of creative and/or informational works by various people, professional or amateur, published in print or online in written, pictorial or audio-visual form.]

  • Flayrah, edited by Sonious, GreenReaper, and Dronon. (Internet; January 1 to December 31) {NOT in UMA 2019 list}

Anthropomorphic published illustration

[Illustrations for books, magazines, convention program books, cover art for such, coffee table portfolios.]

Anthropomorphic game

[Computer or console games, role-playing games, board games. No pre-releases, just the finished version.]

Anthropomorphic website

[Online collections of art, stories, and other creative and/or informational works. Includes galleries, story archives, directories, blogs, and personal sites.]

  • WikiFur, furry wiki {NOT in UMA 2019 list}

Anthropomorphic costume aka fursuit

Anthropomorphic miscellany