Ronin Otter

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Ronin Otter at Anthrocon 2004

Ronin Otter is a fursuiter and puppeteer who lives in Massachusetts, USA.[1]

Fandom involvement

At Anthrocon 2004, Ronin and Dex performed a skit called Animatronics Gone Wrong as the last act of The Masquerade. A photo of the two suiters appears on the back cover of the Anthrocon 2004 DVD.


Ronin Otter's fursuit is a otter suit made by Arend Studios. The fursuit Seth Otter is an almost identical suit from Arend, with Seth being slightly taller, with the addition of teeth and a tuft of hair on his head.

Convention attendace

Funday Pawpet Show

Ronin has made several appearances on the Funday Pawpet Show (FPS), performing as different guest characters. He most often uses a ferret character known as Kniop who speaks in gibberish only understandable by other members of the cast. Kniop is sometimes known as the "Anti-Poink" since his personality is considered the antithesis to the regular character's.

Ronin is also the puppeteer of the Electrical Hazard Pumpkin character. The plastic, sideburns-equipped Halloween pumpkin lights up whenever it speaks. Rumor has it that the puppeteer is backstage plugging and un-plugging the socket for the pumpkin in time with his words, however this would be a fire hazard and Ronin denies doing so.[citation needed]

Ronin's appearances on FPS also included him taking part in the Subservient Fursuiter portion of the show in his costume.[2][3] Ronin also makes sound effects akin to the phaser weapons on Star Trek and noises representing the movement of robotic limbs.[citation needed]


  1. Ronin Otter's profile on Steam. Retrieved January 11, 2021.
  2. Funday Pawpet Show - Subservient Ronin - Part One (October 2005) show on YouTube. Retrieved January 11, 2021.
  3. Funday Pawpet Show - Subservient Ronin - Part Two (October 2005) show on YouTube. Retrieved January 11, 2021.

External links

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