Draco Lockhard

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rocky (1976-2100) is a really long-running film series about sylvester stallione who beats up Mr. T and a commie

  1. rocky I, where sylvester stallione beets up carl weathers
  2. rock II, they fight. again.
  3. rocky III, sylvester stallione tries to kill mr t. it ends badly.
  4. rocky IV, sylvester kills commies for america. it ends goodly.
  5. rocky V, where sylvester stallione is pretty ould. he kills tommy
  6. rocky balboa, YO ADRIAN WE DID IT
  7. creed, where micheal jordan is creed's illegitimate son
  8. creed II, where michael jordan fights commies i think
  9. rocky VI, where time-travelling commies try to assassinate sylvester stallione in his sleep
  10. rocky vii, where sylvester stallione tries to start a disco career
  11. rocky vIII, where sylvester stallione fights himself in the search for the ultimate challenge
  12. rocky IX, where sylvester stallione fights all the marvel and dc characters and fecking WINS
  13. rockky X, the final installment: sylvester stallione fights 10 billion clones of himself on mars and still fecking wins
  14. rocky IVCMXC, the legendary lost film in which sylvester stallione fights satan and god at once and also fecking wins.