Highland Mists

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Highland Mists is a forum-based play-by-post roleplaying environment based on My Little Pony and Celtic themes. The game revolves around an island called the Highlands to the west of Ponyville and Dream Valley[1]. As well as Highlander and Hasbro ponies, there are a number of other pony types, including banshees, brownies, fairies, spirits of mists. There are also gods of the Highlands. The administrator of Highland Mists is Crescent and co-administrator is Silver Shadow.

At some point, the forum moved to the freeforums.org webiste. It was closed by Freeforums staff due to inactivity on March 16th, 2016.



  1. The Highland Mists. March 29, 2005 forum post by Game Master
  2. The Highland Mists. March 2005.