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These are just straight up animal fuck fetishists who try and use the larger furry community as a way of "blending in" and making their sordid sick fuckery look slightly less like a complete abomination of nature. As far as the furry pecking order they're generally considered the lowest of the low, right down there with cub fuckers and babyfurs. If you're furry and you want to try and feign some measure of normalcy this is one of the best types to use as a differential comparison. Just play it off like, "Oh, I'm not one those furries, they're the ones who are giving the furry community a bad name!" In reality of course, every furry is in fact a feral fur fucker, it's just some furries are more in denial than others. By mixing human traits with animal traits "normal" furries can basically create a pseudo-separation from the horrifying stigma of wanting to molest actual animals.

I do not know what Yiffscript is, but if your fandom really is so friendly and normal, why would you allow people of all ages with all kinds of fetishes blend together in one big mix? I see a lot of pedophilia going on, but you're all too afraid to say so.