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AnimeCat, sometimes called AC, is a yellow-gold and white, red-haired housecat hailing from Little Rock, Arkansas, though not by choice, she claims. She joined the fandom as a transplant from the anime con circle in 2003 when she attended her first fur con, Mephit Fur Meet, though she's been a fur since young adulthood. Like many furs, she didn't know there were others out there with the same interests.

An artist from the time she was able to hold a pencil, AnimeCat has spent her life perfecting her drawing technique. In 2006, she started Studio Neko-Neko her art studio, and is occasionally known to take her act on the road to provide conbadges and sketches to the con-going masses.

As well as being an artist, she is an avid fursuiter with several costumes in her collection. Cosplay originally caught her interest at her first anime con, and it woke a love of costuming. She builds almost all of her costumes herself, and performs in them with enthusiasm. Just a few in her collection:

Fursonal life

AC is married to Akela Vincent, a wolf and another Arkansas transplant, who proposed to her at Mephit Furmeet 2007. She shares her home with 2 cats and a hyperactive Corgi. She is self-employed, taking artwork and puppet commissions through her home-based art business, Studio Neko-Neko. AC has been known to dabble in puppetry as well as fursuit building and plush making.


As self-proclaimed event coordinator for the Central Arkansas Furs Association, AC usually takes charge of the groups activities, planning charity volunteer groups, local parties, and convention trips. Outside of events, she can usually be found in the company of the other CAFA furs.

Convention sightings

AnimeCat was the Fursuit Guest of Honor at Rocket City Fur Meet 2007.

External links

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