Furrypedia (English)

From WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia.
Revision as of 11:28, 12 March 2013 by Higgs Raccoon (Talk | contribs)

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Furrypedia is a MediaWiki-powered wiki, created by Inari the Fox as an alternative to WikiFur, which "[gives] members some protection against unwanted editing of personal and event related articles".[1]

  • Address: http://furrypedia.org/ (inaccessable as of the beginning of March, 2013)
  • Ran from/to: 6 January 2013 - present

Furrypedia's policies grant control of articles about people to their subjects, requiring that contributors attempt to consult the subject before making edits. Editors must also avoid changing the tone of any article not created by them.[2]


  1. Furrypedia - Furrypedia (retrieved 2 February 2013)
  2. Code of Conduct - Furrypedia (retrieved 2 February 2013)