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Revision as of 02:28, 13 June 2007 by Sine (Talk | contribs)

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Firefox-ko is a personification of the browser Mozilla Firefox, who is usually portrayed as a Japanese fox spirit (see kitsune) in Shinto priestess attire by most fan-artists. (Although the official Mozilla Brand FAQ [1] notes that "Firefox" is also known as the common name for the red panda, the fox is the animal more commonly associated with Firefox because it is depicted on the logo.) Her color set and design resemble that of the Firefox logo.

A character named Hana from the desktop mascot program Ukagaka is often mistaken for Firefox-ko when pictures appear on English-language bulletin-board sites, but she is not associated with the OS-tans. She is usually distinguishable by her preferred outfit, a navy-blue sailor fuku.
