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Wotan is an anthropomorphic tiger who has been active in the furry fandom since mid-1997. He is a published writer of novels, short-stories, poetry and furotica within the fandom, and also writes mainstream fiction, poetry, and longer anthropomorphic works under his nom-de-plume of Trevor Patrick.

Wotan is currently working on his fifth novel (tentatively titled Insularis) in collaboration with Kenti.

In May of 1999, Wotan co-founded (along with Potoroo) the Guelph Furry Breakfast furmeets which are held several times a year in the city of Guelph, near to Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Wotan is also known for his contribution to Feral!, having founded the Poetry Corner which has been held there every year since 2002. At Feral! 2003, Wotan created the poetry workshop track, and has taught the poetry workshops every year since, with assistance from other furs including Tir'ran, Blackfeather Tanfur, and BanWynn Oakshadow. Additionally, he serves as a moderator at the forums on furry.ca.

In real life, Wotan is working towards a Master's Degree in Animal Biology, and hopefully, an eventual doctorate in Veterinary Science.