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Author(s) Core Folf
Update schedule First of the Month
Launch date 18 September 2005
End Date Ongoing
Genre Comedy, Drama, Parody, Anthropomorphic

Folf! is a webcomic written and drawn by furry artist Core Folf (Cory "Core" Belote). The comic is about random events in the creators past, as well as pokes fun at some of the stereotypes and cliches in both the gaming and movie industries. Taking place on both Earth and another Earth populated by anthropomorphic animals of all types, ranging from mythical to ones found in nature.

Currently the comic is updated the first of every month, with several pages updated each time. The pages are in full colour.


Main characters

Core Folf

  • Core is a 22-year-old folf who has traveled from military base to military base on Earth with his family, while at the same time doing artwork for various people or groups. Working other odd jobs, as well as doing short films for friends he ends up inadvertently ends up on strange adventures.

Guest Characters/Appearances

( In order of Appearance )

Tabby Kitsune

  • Tabby Kitsune is one of the many personalities or characters created by the artist known as Tabby, who mostly does art in the Rockman (Mega Man) fandom. Her first appearance in the "Folf!" comic was in its second comic called "Going Online is Dangerous". Her next appearance was in the Christmas and Valentines Day holiday special, as her normal self and then Diva Fang (now called Louhi). Tabby is also the artist and co-writer of C.H.I.B.I. which contained a story arc called "Resident Ebil" which the "Resident Ebil: Ragnarok" story arc is a sequel of.


  • Saito or Sai is a member of the Rockman-EXE Online Forum, and a friend of the artists. His first appearance in the "Folf!" comic was in the Christmas Special, with his second being in the "Folf Wars" story arc as a young akido student after the same prize that Core was after.

Neko Salosa

  • Neko Salosa, is a writer for many fandoms and has appeared twice in the "Folf!" series of comics. Her first appearance was in the Christmas Special, and again in the "Folf Wars" story arc.


  • Plantman.exe or "Planty" as she is called by some, is an accomplished artist and writer who works in many fandoms. Her artwork includes but is not limited to Rockman (Mega Man) and Transformers. Her first appearance was in the Christmas Special, and again in the Valentines Day special in her small female Plantman.EXE form. She maintains her own webcomic called "Abnormal Gravity" about the life of the Robot Masters form the Rockman (Mega Man) series.


  • Ryouko is the webmaster of Rockman.EXE Online, a fansite dedicated tothe Rockman.EXE series of video games, manga, and anime. She is also an accomplished artist and cosplayer in the Rockman Fandom. Her appearance in "Folf!" can be seen in the Christmas Special.

Jace DeVeillan

  • Jace DeVeillan was part of the staff of C.H.I.B.I. and worked along side Tabby in the creation of the stories, most notably as the co-writer of the "Resident Ebil" story arc. His appearance in the "Folf!" comic can be seen in the Christmas Special.

Barbara Folf

  • Barbara Folf is the mother of Core Folf, while she can be heard in the first "Folf!" comic, she is not seen till the first comic in the "Folf Wars" as the one that gives Core a ship to travel in. She is later seen again in a short comic of how Core got his hair cut, dancing in the lobby in celebration.

Linda Wulf

  • Linda Wulf is actually the younger sister of Core, however she has since gotten married to Donald Wulf the Third. Her appearance in the comic can be seen in the Valentine Special as she is having a romantic dinner with her future husband.

Donald Wulf III

  • Donald Wulf III is the husband of Linda Wulf and the brother-in-law of Core. His appearance in the "Folf" comic can be seen in the Valentine Special.

David Folf

  • David Folf is the husband of Barbara Folf and the father of Core and Linda. He can first be seen in a picture as Core explains what a folf is as well as why he prefers to be called a folf instead of a wox. David is again seen in a page of "Move To and From" where he shares a joke with his son after moving into a new place.

Subitayato Takoru

  • Subitayato Takoru, or just plain Subi as she likes to be called, is an artist in the SD Gundam fandom. Her first appearance in the "Folf!" comic is in the "Necropocalypse" story arc where she is a Lieutenant in charge of a special operations team to save the Presidents daughter from Bama State University, on an alternate Earth.

Fenn the Feathered Dragon

  • Fenn appears in the "Necropocalypse" story arc of "Folf!", as the leader of a band of survivors from a Necron attack/outbreak. She is the fursona of another artist and friend of the creator as well as a fan in the SD Gundam Fandom.

Charon the Sabercat

  • Charon is one of the survivors in the group led by Fenn, making her first appearance in "Necropocalypse". She is also an artist and writer, as well as a friend of "Folf!"'s creator.


  • Shim makes her appearance in the second part of "Necropocalyse" story arc. An avid gamer and friend of the creator of the comic series, as well as one of his supporters.

External links