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Pipkin, also known as Anneliese Giovanni, resides in Vancouver, Canada. Born in Minnesota on 29 June 1981, she moved west to begin her life with her heterosexual life-mate in 2003. She hopes to make a name for herself through the digital pin-up art she creates.

Her name was adopted from the book, Watership Down.

Pipkin is quite well acquainted with Rye Bunny, and together they cause ruckus and havoc all over the West Coast. She is also a member of the Vancouver Furry Artists forum.


Pipkin, as a character, is known by her unique, yet classy style. A rabbit under most circumstances, she has the nose, eyes, and teeth of a feline. Her hair is typically long, colored green on the left side, and purple on the right. Being a vampire of World of Darkness origin, she was embraced into Clan Malkavian, and thusly, can be quite eccentric at times.

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