Feral! 1999

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Feral! (edit)
Feral! 1998
Feral! 1999
Feral! 2000
Feral! 2001
Feral! 2002
Feral! 2003
Feral! 2004
Feral! 2005
Feral! 2006
Feral! 2007
Feral! 2008
Feral! 2009
Feral! 2010
Feral! 2011
Feral! 2012
Feral! 2013
Feral! 2014
Feral! 2015
Feral! 2016
Feral! 2017
Feral! 2018
Feral! 2019

Feral! staff
Feral! guests of honour

Feral! 1999 was held for the first time at the Kinark Outdoor Centre near Minden, Ontario, Canada from August 14 to 18. The original venue, Camp Arowhon, had no time slot available, so the move was necessary. About 75 participants attended the event.

The committee responsible for organizing this second edition of Camp Feral! included P.Pardus, Benjamin, Terry Wessner, Silfur, and Bohor.


Like the previous year, the attending workshop instructors served the dual purpose of being Guests of Honor. These esteemed furs included K-9, MelSkunk, Benjamin (then still usually known as Simba), Loopy, Torrle, Deuce, Bleis, Lucius, Super Jay, Tir'ran, Marlos, Spatter, and Terry Wessner.

Aside from the established drawing, writing, and costuming workshops, 1999 saw the addition of a plushie making workshop led by Tir'ran.

Kinark had a very large wall-climbing facility that the campers at Feral! had enjoyed very much. As always, the Predator & Prey game was a great success.

Survival Guide

The front cover of the Feral! Survival Guide was illustrated by Benjamin, while the back cover featured a piece of Loopy's artwork.

Official t-shirt

The official t-shirt for Feral! 1999 featured artwork by Wookiee of an anthro lion and an anthro wolf enjoying a swimming hole, the lion on a rope swing.

External links