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Foxcub Radio is a downtempo radio station run by FoxMajik.

Originally operated in 2008, it ran part time as a personal music stream on FoxMajik's personal computer. After some time it was moved to a dedicated Pentium III computer on a home Internet connection.

Currently Foxcub Radio is hosted on a VMWare ESX hosted instance on a business class connection in Cupertino, California.

Foxcub Radio's programming includes soothing music and occasional public service announcements regarding public awareness matters from such groups as the The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, the United States Fire Administration, the National Parks Conservation Association and the Peace Corps.

Foxcub Radio is currently seeking additional furry-related programming. Its administrator's intent is to provide a general, downtempo music station with additional furry programming such as daily shows and podcasts. Parties interested in providing programming should contact FoxMajik.

Foxcub Radio currently hosts from one to nine listeners with an average of two per day.

Foxcub Radio is not affiliated with nor endorsed by the babyfur named FoxCub.

External links